New Yard, New Friends, New Enemies
"Then I'm out of ideas," Rusty said with a sigh.
"HEY!" a new voice shouted.
Flat Top nearly jumped out of his wheels.
Rusty turned around to see a diesel engine nearby, taller then Rusty, but most engines were taller then Rusty.
Flat Top ducked a bit behind Rusty. Rusty was the engine. Let him do the talking.
"Who are you?" the diesel demanded.
Rusty swallowed, "I'm on an assignment to deliver something from to the head engine of this yard."
Flat Top's eyes traveled over the buff engine. They didn't stand a chance. Rusty was a runt and a wimp, and he was sore.
Rusty stood still as the diesel looked him and Flat Top over.
Flat Top gave Rusty a tug. "Come on, let's go."
"Fine," the diesel said, "Get in and get out."
Rusty stared at the engine levelly, "I intend to." he said, turning and pulling Flat Top TOWARDS the yard.
The diesel didn't follow them.
Flat Top nearly stumbled after him.
Rusty breathed lightly, trying not to let out so much steam. "One down," he said softly.
"We got past the first engine."
"Now all we gotta do is find the head engine and then get out of here."
"Rusty, we're asking to get pulverized."
"Don't you think I know that?"
"So, why don't we go?"
"We made it all the way here..."
"We can't turn back now, we'd look like idiots."
"I don't care. I'd rather be a living idiot than a hero in pieces."
"We aren't gonna be scrapped Flat Top..."
"Yeah we are."
There was a giggling sound and Rusty sped up.
Flat Top glanced back. "What was that?"
"The coaches here," Rusty said, not looking up, "I'm a new engine, and a steamer and I've got a freight car."
"Freight car," Flat Top muttered, as if it was a curse.
"Yeah..." Rusty said softly.
Flat Top glared. "Gee, you're supportive."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that..."
Flat Top shook his head, as if to say never mind.
Rusty pulled Flat Top past another engine pulling a set of coaches, Rusty pointedly didn't look up.
Flat Top stared straight ahead, his teeth clenched.
"Who's that?" one of the coaches said to her companions. The other shrugged, but it was enough to attract the attention of their engine, another diesel.
Flat Top felt his face burn at the coach's words.
Rusty stopped abruptly as the train cut in front of him.
Flat Top had to slam on his brakes to avoid crashing into Rusty.
"freight trains don't take this line," the diesel said to Rusty.
Flat Top gripped Rusty's couplers tighter. Let the engine handle this.
Rusty swallowed and looked up, "Where's the head of this yard?" he asked.
The diesel gave Rusty an odd look, and then pointed down the tracks. "And get a move on," he said with a laugh, "You're blocking the passenger trains..."
"Passenger trains," Flat Top muttered under his breath. He had a healthy dislike of any other train other than himself.
"Yeah, passenger trains," the diesel said, having overheard Flat Top.
Flat Top glared slightly, giving Rusty a nudge. "Come on, we're not wanted here."
Rusty nodded and moved out.
"You might want to get better control over your train," the diesel called after Rusty.
Flat Top suddenly disconnected from Rusty and pivoted so hard his wheels screeched. "Okay, that's it!" he yelled, starting to head for the diesel.
Rusty whirled and grabbed Flat Top's couplings, pulling him back. The diesel laughed.
Flat Top struggled. "Lemme go! Let me at him!"
"Yeah steamer," the diesel said, "Let him go..."
Flat Top gave a sudden yank that nearly pulled Rusty down on top of him.
Rusty barely kept his balance, and pulled Flat Top back, the others laughter burning in his ears.
Flat Top gave another tug. "Let me go handle this, Rusty! Turn me loose!"
"I can't," Rusty said softly, "You said yourself that you don't wanna be scrapped..."
"That was BEFORE I was insulted. Lemme go!"
"Flat Top, please! We gotta go..."
Flat Top gave a last tug, then relented. "On my way out, that train is scrap metal!"
The diesel laughed and moved out, his coaches tittering behind him.
Flat Top watched them go, his eyes like daggers of fire.
Rusty let go of Flat Top's couplings and turned around, waiting for FT to hitch behind.
Flat Top started to grab them, then changed his mind and sped off after the diesel.
"Flat Top no!" Rusty exclaimed, chasing after FT.
Flat Top ignored Rusty. He wasn't going to back down from this diesel.
Rusty sped after Flat Top, not wanting the truck to get in any more trouble.
"What's this?" the diesel asked, turning around to see Flat Top.
Flat Top skidded to a halt and glared, his fists clenched at his side.
A few yards away, a younger male engine stepped onto the track beside Rusty. "Who's your friend?"
Rusty looked up, "huh?" he asked, realizing that would make him sound even more dumb.
The engine was about Rusty's height and probably weighed less than Rusty did. "He might not want to mess with Dirk. I suggest you pull him back?"
"I'm trying," Rusty said. He shot forward and grabbed Flat Top's couplings, then reversed, forcefully dragging the truck back.
"Hey!" Flat Top yelled, trying to struggle away, but the baby engine blocked his path, though had Flat Top actually got free, he could have easily mowed the tiny engine over.
The diesel shook his head with a laugh and sped away. Rusty held on tight to Flat Top.
The tiny engine watched the diesel and giggling coaches speed off, then nodded to Rusty. "You can let him go now. He won't catch him that far off."
"Thanks," Rusty said. He turned to Flat Top, "I hope you're happy."
"Not really," Flat Top muttered, brushing off his shoulder pad. He raised a brow at the tiny engine. "Who's your friend?"
Rusty shrugged. Then turned to the little engine, "Thanks a lot...um...?"
"Jamie," the engine said shyly, holding out his hand to shake.
"Thanks Jamie," Rusty said taking his hand, "I'm Rusty and this is Flat Top."
Jamie smiled and shook Rusty's hand, then offered it to Flat Top who ignored it.
Jamie's smile fell a bit, then returned as he looked up at Rusty. "What are you doing in this trainyard?"
"We're on an errand from our usual one," Rusty explained, "We're delivering something from the head engine at my yard, to the head engine here."
"Ah." Jamie looked a bit scared. "That would be Tank. You want me to show him to you?"
"If you would..." Rusty said. He noticed Jamie's expression, "What?"
Jamie had gone a bit paler. "Well... No one likes to mess with Tank..."
"Not planning on messing with him," Rusty said, "All I've gotta do is drop this box off."
Jamie nodded, but he looked like he wanted to shake his head. "Well, if you insist..."
"He's that bad?" Rusty asked, thinking of Greaseball and Electra.
Jamie nodded, his blue eyes wide as saucers.
Rusty glanced back at Flat Top, nervously. "Can you be more specific?"
"Well, um... He... He's... dangerous..."
"Dangerous if you irritate him huh?" Rusty asked
"No, dangerous if he doesn't like you, which he won't."
Rusty sighed, "Another one of those..."
Jamie nodded. "Not many engines in this yard like outsiders..."
"Especially me..." Rusty mumbled.
"Well, yes... And your brick truck... Flat Top, was it?"
Rusty nodded.
Jamie bit his lip. "Yeah, you won't be well-liked by anyone here..."
"Jamie!" a female voice called.
Jamie ducked his head. "Uh, that would be my sister..."
Rusty looked up as a coach came rushing down the tracks, "Jamie, I've been looking for you everywhere..." she came to a stop when she saw Rusty and Flat Top, and just sorta stared at them.
Jamie blushed a bright pink. "Um, hi."
Jan, the coach, stared at Rusty in astonishment.
Rusty smiled friendly at her. "Hello."
Jamie forced a shy smile. "Uh, this is my sister, Jan. Jan, this is... Rusty..." He looked over at Flat Top who was staring at Jan with the same look Jan had for Rusty. "And Flat Top."
Jan realized she was staring. "I'm sorry," she said quickly, "I just haven't seen anyone new around here in such a long time, much less a...a..." "
A steam engine," Rusty supplied.
Jamie flushed. "Uh, we should... should get you two to Tank so you can go..."
"You're going to see Tank?" Jan asked.
Rusty nodded, "Seems like everybody that I've met, all both of you, have that reaction..."
Jamie nodded slowly. "Well, I warned you... He's not the easiest diesel to..."
Rusty nodded, "I just want to get in and out."
Jamie nodded. "That's... that's a good idea."
Rusty sighed, "Okay, no more putting it off I guess."
Jamie nodded. "Okay, grab your train, and we'll go." He turned to let Jan couple up.
Jan hitched behind Jamie and Rusty turned giving his couplings to Flat Top.
Flat Top took this without even looking at them.
Jamie sped off down the track.
Rusty followed, keeping pace with Jamie, thinking, I can go faster...
Jamie led the way down a track, then made a sharp turn left 'til he was near the center of the trainyard. He pulled to a stop and turned to Rusty. "You sure you want to do this?"
"I have to..." Rusty said softly, "Flat Top, you...you don't have to come..."
Flat Top wasn't paying any attention whatsoever to Rusty.
"Flat Top?"
"Huh?" The little hearts in front of Flat Top's eyes popped, snapping his out of his heaven.
"I said you can stay here..."
Flat Top stared at him. "You mean, you will go in there alone?"
"If you don't want to come..."
Flat Top bit his lip. He never wanted to come in the first place, and no one was going to say he didn't finish the mission.
"Um, you might want to take him with, Rusty," Jamie ventured softly, as if afraid Rusty were going to be mad at him for speaking.
"Whatever you want Flat Top..." Rusty said, he wasn't sure if he wanted Flat Top to come or not.
Flat Top shrugged. "Why should I come along?" he asked Jamie.
Jamie glanced back over his shoulder to where a few nasty-looking, big diesel engines were standing behind them on the track, watching them. "Um, cause they're not too friendly..."
Jan looked back, "Jamie's right," she said.
Jamie nodded. "You probably don't wanna be out here alone..." Flat Top noticeably swallowed and nodded. "Okay, I guess I'm with you, Rusty."
Rusty nodded, "Okay, lets go..." he said, not eager to go.
Jamie nodded and pulled out into the center of the trainyard, visibly shaking.
Rusty followed.
"Maybe you should let me do the talking," Jan said.
"Why?" Rusty asked. "Tank likes coaches..."
Jamie noticeably flinched. "Okay, if we're all ready..."
Rusty nodded.
Jamie gave a tug and led the little group into the center of the trainyard.
Rusty followed Jamie, seeing several trains, including one rather large diesel engine, which he took to be Tank.
Jamie noticeably ducked his head respectively at the big diesel, as if bowing to him. "Tank, sir?"
"What?" the diesel, Tank snapped.
Jamie flinched and looked like he wanted to sink into the ground. "Um, these two have something for you..." He grew softer at every word.
Tank looked up, seeing Rusty and Flat Top, "Who are they?" he demanded.
Flat Top visibly ducked behind Rusty while Jamie licked his lips and whispered, "Rusty and Flat Top..."
"Rusty?" Tank repeated, finding that name rather amusing.
Jan unhitched from her brother and started to skate towards Tank.
Jamie let her go, wishing he wasn't visibly trembling.
Tank's expression grew softer as Jan approached. She whispered something to him and he nodded. "Well steamer, what do you want?" he demanded, not meaning that Rusty *could* want anything from him.
Jamie bit his lip as he waited for a reply.
"Nothing," Rusty said respectfully, "We've just traveled here to deliver a package for you from the head engine at my train yard."
Tank nodded, "Then you'll scat!" it was not a question.
Rusty nodded, "yes."
"Very well," Tank said, "Jamie, bring it here."
Jamie visibly went pale. "Me?" he squeaked. "Y... Yes sir."
"Yeah," Tank said, with an evil grin, "you."
Jamie skated over to Rusty and waited expectantly, trembling from head to wheels.
Rusty took out the small box and handed it to Jamie, "It's heavier then it looks." He warned.
Jamie nodded and took the heavy package.
"Bring it here," Tank commanded.
Jan nodded encouragingly to her brother.
Jamie bit his lip and skated forward to Tank's side, lowering his eyes to the ground and holding out the package.
Tank nodded to one of his cronies, nearby him as always, who proceeded to snatch the box from Jamie.
Jamie gave it up with no resistance whatsoever and turned to skate back to his place.
At a signal from Tank the engine who had taken the box stuck out a skate, right in Jamie's path...
Jamie tripped right over it and landed hard on the ground, his hands flying out to catch himself.
Jan dove towards her brothers side as Tank and his gang laughed.
Rusty felt something hot rush through him and he growled, very softly, so that only somebody standing right behind him would be able to hear.
Flat Top heard Rusty and bit his lip. He knew what it felt like to be on the receiving end of something like that. "Easy, Rusty."
Tears stung Jamie's eyes as he got unsteadily to his feet.
"Now get out," Tank commanded, "All of you."
Rusty shifted in response to Flat Top, but he held his tongue.
Jamie grabbed Jan's hand and gave her a tug, plainly indicating that Rusty should follow.
Rusty was burning up inside, watching all of this.
Jamie grabbed Jan's arm a bit to keep himself from shaking.
"What do you want Tank?" Jan asked in an even tone, "I ain't going anywhere until you call off your thugs."
"Yeah," Jamie added, his voice soft so he wouldn't sound bigger than he was.
Tank laughed and nodded at his gang, who backed off ever so slightly.
Jamie let out his breath softly in a sigh of relief.
Jan let go of Jamie's hand and rolled over to Tank where they held a soft conversation
Jamie stood forlornly in the middle of the floor, feeling very small and alone.
Rusty slowly rolled over towards Jamie
Jamie ducked away from him before he realized who he was. "Sorry."
"for what?"
Jamie looked away, his face flushed and ashamed. "Nothing."
"Hey steamer...um... Rusty?" Tank said.
"What?" Rusty asked.
"Good call." Tank said.
"What?" Rusty repeated.
"Bet Jamie here wasn't too hard to um...persuade... to bring you here." Tank said
Jamie instinctively ducked behind Rusty, peering over Rusty's shoulder. "What're you talking about?" he said softly.
"Even a steamer can boss him around," Tank said to his gang, who laughed, as if on cue.
Jamie's pale face turned a brighter red than Rusty's faded paint, and he looked like he was about to cry.
"That's enough Tank," Jan snapped.
Jamie gripped Rusty's shoulder lightly, trying to hide behind the steamer and not let him see the tears in his pretty, blue eyes.
"Now you're sisters standing up for you huh?" Tank teased.
Rusty closed his eyes for a second, so nobody could see them start to glow
Jamie's voice quivered as he spoke. "You... you leave her alone!"
Jamie ducked back behind Rusty.
"no, what did you say?" Tank repeated
Jamie backed away, still gripping Rusty like a hostage, though Jamie was the one who looked like he was being abducted. "Nothing."
Tank got up and slowly started over towards Jamie, "I guess I'm hearing things, because I thought I heard you argue with me..."
Jamie shook his head, his eyes pleading and scared. "No. No, I'm sorry."
"You're supposed to pick up a load of something right Rusty?" Tank asked.
"Yes." Rusty answered.
Surprised that Tank had suddenly left him alone, Jamie released his tight grip on Rusty and rested his back weakly against the wall.
"That's what I thought," Tank said, "The freight yard is on the other side of our yard...but I wouldn't want to make you go all the way over there..."
Jamie looked up. Tank being nice to an outsider? That didn't seem right...
"Jamie." Tank said.
Jamie shrank back against the wall. "What?"
"Go get the freight train. The C route."
Jamie turned absolutely white. "But, but I..."
"But what?" Tank asked evilly
Jamie ducked. "I... I can't pull that train..."
"No?" Tank asked, knowing perfectly well that Jamie couldn't pull the heaviest train
Jamie wished the floor would swallow him whole. "No," he whispered.
"Why not?"
Jamie blinked back tears in his eyes. "Cause... cause it's too heavy."
"Too heavy?" Tank repeated.
Rusty backed up slightly, bumping into FT. His hands slowly balled into fists.
Flat Top nearly fell, grabbing Rusty's shoulders to stay up. Even he hated seeing this, and he normally was the one doing it.
Jamie was shrinking down the wall. "Yeah..."
"Why don't you just show me where it is," Rusty said
"Oh just go, all of you," Tank said, getting rather bored with the whole thing.
Jamie breathed a sigh of relief.
"Come on," Rusty said, "Which way?"
"I'll... I'll show you," Jamie said softly, just wanting to be out of there.
Tank laughed again, interpreting that as Rusty bossing Jamie around.
Jamie ducked his head. "Come on, Jan," he called to his sister.
Jan rolled over towards Jamie, being intercepted by Tank for a few seconds, before finally making it over.
Jamie was glad she was not forced to stay. He turned his couplers to her. "This way."
Jan hitched behind and they left the main yard.
Rusty wanted to ask Jamie something, but hesitated.
Jamie didn't seem to notice everyone's silence and headed off towards the freight yard, not planning on trying to pull Route C.
"Can..." Rusty started, "Can you really..."
Jamie turned to Rusty. "Can I really what?"
"Can you really not pull it?" Rusty asked softly
Jamie looked ashamed. "No. I can't. I can't pull much of anything, 'cept Jan."
"Wow..." Rusty breathed.
"What?" Jamie asked softly.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that...I guess I'm just used to pulling the freight train so I..." Rusty trailed off.
Jamie looked away from him, hiding his shame. "I... I'm just not strong enough to pull anything... It's not that I don't try! Really I do! But... But I just can't pull anything, especially the freight train."
Rusty looked back at Flat Top in silence
Flat Top's mouth was open in disbelief. Even HE could pull the freight train if he had to, just not very fast. In fact, he was able to go faster by himself than Jamie was going now. "Sheesh," he muttered.
"why do you put up with all that?" Rusty asked
"All what?" Jamie asked softly.
Jamie looked up at him with scared eyes. "Because I can't do anything else."
*Been there* Rusty thought. His eyes burned angrily, not glowing yet
Jamie sighed softly, his sigh almost like a steam train whistle.
"Well lets get over to the freight yard," Rusty said, the anger evident in his voice.
Jamie nodded and led the way down several dingy tracks. The air seemed to get colder and thicker as they moved on.
Rusty looked around, noticing the general state of the trainyard seeming to fade, a stark contrast to the otherwise nice trainyard.
Jamie ducked under a low-hanging board and came upon the freight yard, a dingy space that was covered in grime and dirt.
Rusty looked around and let out a soft whistle
Jamie looked up. "What?"
"Makes you miss home, doesn't it Flat Top?" Rusty said.
Flat Top nodded slowly. His house was similar to this grimy place called the freight yard, but their yard was in much better condition, no questions asked.
"okay, lets find this train you're supposed to pull," Rusty said.
"I can't pull it!" Jamie protested.
"You can if..." Rusty started
Jamie shook his head. "I can't."
"IF," Rusty repeated, "If you'll let me help..."
"Oh, Rusty, you... you shouldn't help me... Tank..."
"He won't notice...if..." Rusty started
"If I push...and make it like I wanted to get home faster..."
"I... I couldn't let you do that, Rusty."
"Oh..." Rusty said softly
Jamie looked away, his face sad.
"I see..." Rusty said softly, Jamie was still a diesel engine after all
Jamie sighed and looked around. "Um... I'd be careful if I were you... The freight train is... um... mean..."
"I guess I understand if you don't want my help," Rusty said, "I mean, I am a steamer..."
"Oh, it's not that, Rusty. I don't mind steamers..."
"Then what is it?" Rusty asked
Jamie scuffed his wheels on the ground. "Well... I... I just don't want you to get in trouble."
"And I'll get into trouble if I help?" Rusty said, he looked at Flat Top, "Gee, I wouldn't know what being in trouble is, now would I Flat Top?"
Flat Top raised a brow. "You, goody two shoes steamer?"
"Yeah, I've never been in trouble before..." Rusty said.
Jamie bit his lip. "I... I just don't want to get you in trouble with Tank..." *Or me in trouble either* he added mentally.
"Tank," Rusty spat out the name
Jamie felt a small smile flit across his lips. "Uh, here comes the freight. Must be that one we're supposed to take."
Rusty looked up to see a freight train coming.
"Hey, look who it is!" taunted a boxcar.
"Wittle Jamie come to puw de fwaight twain," teased a coal hopper.
Jamie flushed deep red.
Rusty looked at Flat Top a question in his eyes. *Should I do something?*
Flat Top looked back at him like *You're asking me?*
"Yeah you're right," Rusty said out loud. He looked over the freight train.
The couple hoppers who were more buff than big, eyed Rusty suspiciously. "Who's dis?"
"Hitch up," Rusty ordered, not sounding like his usual self, actually sounding authoritative
The train laughed, and Jamie looked scared.
Rusty moved to the end of the train and gave them a push, moving them forward rather quickly.
"Hey!" the train protested.
Jamie felt another smile on his face as he turned his couplers to the train.
The boxcar grabbed him roughly, nearly knocking the small engine off his wheels.
"Move, now." Rusty commanded.
Jamie gave them a big yank, but the train barely moved.
Rusty pushed them forward.
The train grumbled and moved along slowly, doing their best to push Jamie off the track.
Flat Top hitched up behind Rusty, following him and the rest of the train.
Jamie was trying to keep his balance, not daring to go fast, afraid they would try to derail him, like they had done so many times before.
Rusty, having had practice with CB, countered every time the train tried to pull Jamie off the rails.
Jamie felt Rusty's firm pushes and grinned a bit. Wow. Why couldn't pulling the freight be this easy all the time? He picked up a bit of speed, though it wasn't much faster than Rusty's easy gait.
They made it out of the freight yard.
Jamie hummed to himself as he pulled the train. This was so easy! He practically forgot about Tank and his cronies.
Jamie slammed on his brakes, nearly getting run over by the freight behind him. "Oh no."
Rusty, startled by the sudden stop, barely managed to not crash.
"I told *you* to pull the freight train, not recruit help from the steamer," Tank growled to Jamie, "Who's head engine around here?"
Jamie ducked his head. "You are... I just..."
"You just what?"
Jamie cowered. "I just... couldn't... pull it... myself..."
"So you asked for help from a STEAMER?"
"I didn't!" Jamie protested, his voice coming out a lot stronger than he meant it to.
Tank was a bit surprised at the tone in Jamie's voice and it showed for a second, then he growled.
Jamie instantly knew he was in trouble. He turned absolutely white and shrank back against the car behind him who gave him a rude push forward, disconnecting him from the train and leaving him alone facing Tank.
Tank's gang surrounded Jamie
Jamie gasped, every muscle tense in fear. "Rusty..." he pleaded.
Tank laughed, "So now you call the steamer for help..."
Jamie bit his lip, tears stinging his eyes. He prayed Tank wouldn't notice.
Rusty gave the freight train a huge yank, pulling them back down the tracks. He gave them a shove and let them roll away.
Even Tank was a bit impressed with that.
Flat Top gripped Rusty tightly. "Rusty, that might not be..."
"What?" Rusty said softly.
*He shouldn't have been able to do that* Tank was thinking
"That might not be a good idea to... to get involved..."
Meanwhile, Jamie was trying to shrink away from Tank without being noticed while the big diesel was distracted.
Two of the gang seized Jamie's arms.
Jamie yelped and struggled, but he was certainly no match for the bigger, much stronger diesels.
Rusty gritted his teeth, this felt all too familiar.
Jamie gazed pleadingly up at Tank. "Tank, please... please let me go. Please."
"Are...are you crying?" Tank asked with a laugh
Jamie tried to stop his tears.
"I can't just watch this," Rusty said softly to Flat Top
Flat Top held him tightly. "Rusty, I think at this point if you did anything, we'd all get turned into scrap metal. Yer not gonna do him any good by trying to help him."
Rusty looked at Flat Top, his eyes glowing faintly, "Can't…help it... Help!"
"Yipe!" Flat Top backed away. "Rusty, don't!"
Rusty was fighting it, and it was obvious.
Flat Top held him tight, planting his brakes firmly. "Don't even think about it!"
Meanwhile, Jamie struggled pathetically in the gang's arms, praying he was not about to get beat up in front of his new friends, but knowing he was.
Tank suddenly turned to Jamie and hit him.
Jamie yelped and collapsed to his knees, still held by the gang. His face throbbed painfully in a familiar way. Tears cascaded down his cheeks.
Tank hauled Jamie's head up by the smaller engine's hair.
Jamie cried out and tried not to struggle for fear of hurting himself even more. "Tank, please," he pleaded.
"Flat Top, let go," Rusty said
"No! Rusty, you'll only make it worse!"
"I can't just let this happen! Not again..."
"Rusty, don't!" Flat Top jerked him lightly. "You can't beat up that whole gang, and I need transportation home!"
"I'm not gonna beat them up..." Rusty said softly.
Tank looked at Jamie for a long minute and then let go of his hair.
Jamie fell back with a sob, his cheeks tingling from his tears.
At a signal from Tank the gang let go of the little engine.
Jamie collapsed flat on the ground, breathing heavily, trying to stop the tears of pain.
There was a sickening crash as one of the gang's wheels collided with Jamie's side.
"Let go of me," Rusty said again.
Flat Top held him tighter, his brakes grinding into the track. "No."
Jamie curled into a ball with a cry of pain, holding his side painfully.
"Flat Top, please," Rusty said, eyes glowing now as he looked back at the truck.
Flat Top yelped. "Stoppit!"
"Let go of me then."
"Rusty, you're not gonna get beat up now! Just let them do what they want, and it'll go better on all of us!"
"Wot else should we do boss?" one of the gang asked. Tank considered.
"I told you, I'm not gonna get beaten up," Rusty said.
Jamie breathed heavily, his eyes squeezed shut in pain, his body still flat on the tracks like a squashed bug.
"Well, yer not gonna get showered with rose petals and silver plaques either," Flat Top said angrily.
"I know that," Rusty said, "But considering how much you freak out when I..." he indicated his eyes.
"You think some eye trick is gonna make them all turn tail?" Flat Top scoffed.
"No...I can do more then that..." Rusty said.
Flat Top shook his head. "Rusty..."
Tank set a skate down on Jamie's crumpled frame.
Jamie winced and struggled beneath the heavy skate.
"You stay still!" Tank ordered, "Else I won't call my gang off next time."
Jamie held his breath and whimpered, trying to stay still under the crushing weight.
Tank finally took his skate off Jamie
Jamie took a deep breath and slowly lifted his face from the track.
"next time I won't be so nice," Tank said.
*NICE* Rusty exploded inside, his pressure rising.
Jamie pulled himself to his knees painfully, his eyes on Tank's skates, not able to raise them any higher.
"And remember that," Tank ordered.
Jamie nodded shamefully, swallowing hard. "Yes sir."
"Good," Tank said, patting, rather roughly, the smaller engine on the head. "Come on," he said to his gang, "We're finished here."
Jamie felt less and less like an engine and more and more like a kicked puppy as he looked away angrily, his face burning with shame. A soft growl suddenly escaped his throat, too late for him to stop it.
Tank froze, hearing Jamie and he slowly turned around.
Jamie instantly backed away.
Tank glared down at the little engine, Jamie had never *ever* growled at him before.
Jamie instantly was on the ground, groveling. "Tank, please..."
Tank looked at his gang, which immediately surrounded Jamie.
Jamie cowered, trying to remain as small as possible. "Tank, I'm sorry. Please, don't..."
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't turn you into scrap metal."
Jamie bit his lip. He couldn't think of anything.
"That's what I thought," he said. He nodded and two of them grabbed Jamie's arms and hauled him up to his wheels.
Jamie yelped and struggled. "Please! Tank, don't! Please! I beg you!"
The gang around Jamie were eyeing him almost eagerly. Tank always called them off just when it was getting good. But this time... Tank just looked at Jaime coldly.
Jamie fell silent, realizing his begging was only making him look more scared than he really was, which wasn't that hard to do. Tears filled his pretty, blue eyes, and his lip trembled as he tried to stop them.
Tank suddenly turned around and slowly started away.
Jamie watched him go. Was Tank letting him off? He seriously doubted it, but any time that he had gained was good time.
Suddenly Tank did an about face and turned, revving up his engine.
Jamie gasped. Definitely not good at all!
Tank sped up, heading straight for the little engine...
Jamie screamed. "Rusty!"
Rusty couldn't stand it any more, he let out an ear splitting whistle, high pitched and eerie sounded.
It distracted Tank just enough to send him a little off course, narrowly missing colliding with Jamie.
Rusty bounced Flat Top's brakes loose and dragged the truck under a convenient overhead trestle.
The gang looked up and around, and didn't see anyone that could've done that. "Um...boss?"
Jamie felt his wheels buckle with relief, and he dropped weakly to the ground, supported only by the gang's grip on him.
Flat Top snarled. "Rusty, don't!"
"Shh!" Rusty hissed.
Flat Top glowered but kept silent.
Tank, trying to blow the whole thing off turned to his gang, who were looking at him curiously. "Just..." he started, "Just...just hit him or something!"
Jamie looked up in terror. "Uh oh..."
The gang complied with their boss' command.
Jamie collapsed to his knees weakly, his jaw throbbing painfully. He wanted to lay on the ground, but they held him tight.
Tank, muttering to himself, rolled away, leaving his gang to finish the job.
Another one of the gang wound up to hit Jamie again.
Jamie squeezed his eyes shut, biting his lip hard to keep himself from crying out, but it was no use.
After a minute or two of this they stopped, still hold Jamie tightly so he had to remain upright.
Jamie felt blood from his nose and could taste blood on the inside of his mouth. He moaned softly, feeling dizzy and sick to his stomach.
"I think that's enough," one of them said, "Besides, I'm hungry."
Jamie prayed they would let him go instead of dragging him with them after Tank.
There were some general mummers of agreement from the gang and the two holding Jamie let go.
Jamie collapsed face first on the ground, moaning softly, his eyes closed as he fought his stomach down.
"Think I can make it?" one of the gang asked.
"Nah, you're not that good of a jumper," another answered.
"Well I've been practicing..." the first said, "And he's small."
Jamie inhaled sharply. Oh no, they wouldn't! Yes they would...
"I *can* do it," the first speaker said, "Watch me!" He backed up and raced towards Jamie...
Jamie squeezed his eyes shut. *Ohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohplease* he prayed.
"Wow, I guess you can do it," the second gang member said.
"See, I *told* you," the first one said.
"I'm starved, let's go get lunch," a third said.
Jamie let his breath out in a whoosh of relief.
The gang skated away, forgetting all about Jamie.
Jamie lay on the track like a dead dog, bleeding and wishing he was dead.
"You gonna let go of me now?" Rusty asked Flat Top softly.
Flat Top glared and released Rusty.
"Thank you."
Of course, Flat Top wouldn't ever answer that with a "You're welcome"
Rusty slowly rolled over towards Jamie.
Jamie breathed heavily, his whole body dead
Rusty sank to his knees next to the battered little engine.
Jamie moaned softly. "I don't think I can move..."
"I know..." Rusty said sympathetically.
Jamie groaned softly, tasting a fresh bit of blood in his mouth again.
"I...I'm sorry, I don't know what to do..." Rusty said, "I don't know all that much about diesels..."
Jamie sighed and curled into a tight ball. "Just don't let them come back and finish me off."
"They won't."
Jamie groaned softly. "Jan..."
"Where is she?" Rusty asked softly.
"Probably at our shed, if she's not with Tank..."
"Okay," Rusty said, "Where's that?"
"Just down that track, take a right. The first shed. It's blue."
Rusty nodded, "I'll be back..." He started to get up.
Jamie squeezed his eyes shut. "Okay..."
"Flat Top?"
Flat Top looked up and folded his arms over his chest.
"Just...just watch him for me," Rusty said, "Please."
"I'm not a babysitter!" Flat Top protested.
"You're not babysitting him..." Rusty said.
Flat Top glared.
Jamie cried out softly. "Rusty, just go. Please."
Rusty sighed and took off down the tracks, at a rather fast speed.
Jamie curled into a ball, shivering at the sudden breeze that whipped over him.
Flat Top sighed and looked around, watching for any returning engines.
Rusty whistled as he returned a few minutes later with Jan in tow.
Jamie couldn't even turn his head to watch them come.
Flat Top moved even closer, watching Jan.
"Jamie!" Jan exclaimed, uncoupling from Rusty and diving down next to her brother.
Jamie looked up painfully at her. "I'm okay," he croaked softly.
"Oh Jamie..." she said sadly, "Not again..." She carefully looked him over, *This is the worst it's ever been.*
Jamie shifted slightly, then cried out and gripped his side tightly. "Can... can we go home?" he pleaded.
Jan nodded, pushing her current thoughts of making something look like an accident away for now.
Jamie tried to sit up, but he fell back down with a moan.
"Here," Rusty said, "Let me help."
"We've managed before," Jan said, but she nodded.
Rusty reached down to gently but firmly grab Jamie's couplings.
Jamie cried out and bit his lip to keep from doing it
"Going to pull you up," Rusty warned.
"O... Okay," Jamie said softly.
Rusty pulled Jamie up, it wasn't that hard, the little engine wasn't too heavy.
Jan immediately rushed in to help support her brother's weight.
Jamie gripped Jan tightly, his wheels wobbling.
Flat Top scooted in right next to Jan and grabbed Jamie's arm gently to help keep him up.
"You want me to push?" Rusty asked, "I'll go slow..."
"Okay..." Jamie said softly.
Rusty gently and very slowly pushed the three trains in front of him down the tracks, while thinking that they must look rather interesting.
Jamie nearly tripped and fell on his face.
Rusty pulled back, holding Jamie upright.
Jamie steadied himself, trying not to moan as his wounded body protested at this treatment.
After what seemed like forever they reached the blue shed.
Jamie sighed with relief.
Rusty gently pushed Jamie inside.
Jamie slid inside and instantly collapsed on his bed.
Jan made him comfortable.
Jamie curled up under the warm blankets and closed his eyes.
"Thank you," Jan said to Flat Top, "Thanks for the help. I appreciate it."
Flat Top smiled at her. "No problem. Is there anything else I can do?"
Rusty's eyes widened.
"No..." Jan said, softly closing Jamie's door. She turned to Flat Top, "Yes." She suddenly gave him a hug.
Flat Top burst into a big smile and gently slid his arms around her, pulling her close and hugging her gently.
She pulled away after a second, "Thanks."
Rusty turned away and covered his mouth.
Flat Top smiled brightly. "Uh, any time."
She turned away and rolled over to their little kitchenette and started rattling around, a bit angrily.
Flat Top cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh, maybe... maybe we should stick around for a bit..."
Rusty continued to cover his mouth, not trusting himself otherwise. He nodded.
Jan set a plate down rather roughly
Flat Top flinched and moved to her side. "Need some help?"
"No," she said, slamming something else down with a nice loud bang.
Flat Top jumped. "Jan, hun, calm down..."
"No!" she exclaimed.
Flat Top ducked a bit. "Jan, it'll be all right."
"I'll kill him," she said softly, "I'm gonna kill him..."
Flat Top grabbed her wrists lightly. "Jan, no."
"let go of me!"
Flat Top released her quickly. "Jan, you are not gonna do your brother any good by trying to take on Tank by yourself." *I should be the one to talk*
She sighed and sank down, "I should've been there..."
"Jan, don't blame yourself. Please don't."
"I could've made them stop."
"You couldn't have done anything."
"Yeah, I could have. You don't know..."
Flat Top raised a brow. "What don't I know?"
Jan looked up, "I really could have made them stop."
"How? You can't take them all on."
"No, but they do what Tank tells them to do..."
Flat Top sighed and backed away a bit. "You're his girl, aren't you?"
"Not really, but he wants me to be...Some times I think he thinks I am."
Flat Top looked up hopefully. "So... so you don't have an engine?"
"Just Jamie."
Flat Top hid a smile. "Wow, that's... that's good..."
"I won't leave him alone," Jan said, "He wouldn't survive..."
"I kinda noticed..."
Jan glared up at him, "What's that supposed to mean?" she demanded.
Flat Top backed up a bit, surprised by her tone. "Well... I just meant... he doesn't seem like he's very strong... able to defend himself..."
"He gets by," Jan said, still glaring at Flat Top.
Flat Top swallowed. "I'm sure he does..."
She looked at him suspiciously.
Flat Top swallowed again. "What?"
"you don't believe me do you?"
"Well what?" she demanded
"Well... I'm sure Jamie... I'm sure he... uh..."
She crossed her arms, waiting.
Flat Top was trying to come up with something in his head. It wasn't working.
Jan stood up and returned to the kitchen, rattling around.
Flat Top let his breath out softly, and slowly skated up behind her. "Sorry..."
She sighed and let whatever she was doing fall to the counter. She looked down
Flat Top gently touched her shoulders. "What?" he asked gently.
Her shoulders shook. "I hate this..." she said softly.
Flat Top gave her shoulders a gentle squeeze. "Hate Tank?"
"All of it. Not just Tank I guess, but what he does..."
Flat Top nodded slowly. "I... I can see how you would..."
"I mean it's hard y'know..."
She reached up to push a strand of hair back and brushed her hand across her eyes.
Flat Top slowly pulled her closer to him so her back touched his chest. "Jan..."
"I'm alright." she said a little too quickly.
"No, you're not," Flat Top said gently.
"Yes I am!" she protested half-heartedly.
Flat Top gave her a gentle hug. "No."
Jan turned around and melted into his hug.
Flat Top smiled to himself and held her tight, resting his cheek on her head and breathing in the scent of her hair.
Rusty, a bit amazed at Flat Top's apparent personality transplant quietly rolled into Jamie's room.
Jamie blinked painfully and looked up as Rusty entered. "Hi," he said softly, wishing Rusty didn't have to see him like this.
"Hi," Rusty said. "I'm sorry...about all of this..."
"It's not your fault, Rusty."
"You didn't have to take us to see Tank in the first place..." Rusty said softly.
"I... I couldn't let you go by yourself..."
Rusty sat down, "You couldn't?"
"Rusty, I... Tank would have... You might have..."
"So instead you were."
"There was this diesel engine at my yard at home," Rusty started softly.
Jamie looked up at him and curled tighter into a ball, waiting to hear the story.
"Sorta like Tank I guess, diesel engines are all the same, no offense."
Jamie smiled a bit. "None taken."
"I was afraid of him. He thought he was such a big shot, just because he'd won the race, and he thought that made him in charge."
Jamie's eyes widened. "He sounds like Tank."
"He was always bossing me around, until finally I couldn't stand it any more... so I decided to enter the race..."
Jamie smiled. "Wow. You must be fast then."
"I wanted to enter, only..." Rusty trailed off and looked down. He took a breath, "I lost my partner..."
"You lost your coach?" Jamie asked softly.
"Yeah.. I guess she wasn't really mine in the first place...but I lost her."
"To... to the diesel?" Jamie asked.
"No...to an electric engine..."
"Electric?" Jamie asked. "I've never seen an electric engine before."
"you're lucky then."
"never mind. Anyway once I lost her..."
Jamie stayed quiet, listening.
"Well I didn't really want to race any more, and but I got a new partner and raced with her instead..."
"How did you do?" Jamie asked.
"That's not the worst part..."
"What was the worst part?"
"I...I had to stand in for somebody else in the final race...and...and I was cheated."
"Yes. And accused of causing a big crash that made the race be cancelled."
"Oh dear."
"Gr-the diesel engine said that there was nothing I could do about it and said that I should just quit." Rusty smiled, "but I wouldn't."
Jamie smiled at the steamer's determination.
"but, like Tank...he had his own gang."
Jamie shivered and cuddled closer under his blankets
"Yeah..." Rusty said softly.
Jamie hugged himself. "What did you do?"
"There were six of them...and one of me..."
Jamie nodded. He knew what that felt like.
Rusty sighed. "Then afterwards I met up with some of my friends, but they didn't let me complain..."
Jamie sighed. *Wish I had friends like that.*
"They tried telling me that I'd never really had a chance anyway."
"But didn't you?"
"I finally believed them. I guess I just figured that I really *couldn't* do it."
"You gave up?" Jamie said softly.
"I was about to." Rusty said. He pulled something out from under his shirt, something round and shiny.
Jamie studied it. "What is it?"
"When you're the Fastest Locomotive in the World they give you a medal."
Jamie's eyes widened. "You... You won the race?"
Rusty grinned. "Yes."
Jamie burst into a beautiful smile. "Wow."
Rusty nodded.
Jamie pulled the blanket closer. "Gee... I... I don't know... know what to say..."
"About what?"
"About you."
"What about me?"
"You... you're just... just so cool! I mean... you won the championship! You've gotta be the greatest engine ever!"
Rusty's ears turned red.
Jamie shifted painfully on the bed.
"Come with me."
"Come with me," Rusty repeated, "When Flat Top and I leave. Come back to my yard."
Jamie's eyed widened. "Oh, Rusty... I... I couldn't..."
"Why not?"
"Cause... cause Tank..."
"He would... he wouldn't let me go..."
"Why not?"
"Cause... cause he's the leader."
"So? you're not in his gang or anything like that."
"Of course not."
"He... he wouldn't let me go."
Rusty frowned, "Yeah but..."
"But nothing, Rusty."
Rusty's eyes narrowed thoughtfully, "Tank sure left fast after I whistled
"I wonder why..."
"I... I don't know... Unless he's never heard a steam whistle..."
"you think?"
"I don't know. I've never seen a steamer, but Tank's older..."
"He has to know what they are, he knew what I am"
"maybe..." Rusty started softly.
"Maybe what?"
"I've got an idea..." Rusty said softly.
"Nothing," Rusty said, "I'll tell you later, you should get some rest."
Jamie nodded slowly. "Okay."
Rusty stood up to leave.
Jamie watched him go. "You... you won't leave, will you?"
"Not your shed..."
Rusty closed the door behind him as he left.
Jamie curled up under his covers and went to sleep.
Jan finally pulled away from Flat Top, her eyes red from crying
Flat Top smiled gently at her
"Thanks," she said softly, "I don't usually do that."
"Hey, it's all right."
She smiled, "You're not like any other freight car that I've ever met."
Flat Top smiled. "Is that supposed to be a compliment?"
Flat Top smiled.
"I'll miss you when you're gone."
"I... I'll miss you too..."
"How long are you here for?"
"Um... I'm not sure..."
"Until Rusty leaves."
"He seems nice..."
"He... he is, I guess."
"Maybe you can convince him to stay longer?"
"I'll... I'll definitely try."
"What's your yard like?"
"Well... it's not... not the greatest... The freight yard's definitely better though..."
"A lot less grime."
At just that moment Rusty emerged from Jamie's room.
Flat Top looked up.
"Flat Top, we're staying here at least until tomorrow," Rusty said.
"Um, great."
"Would you excuse us?" Rusty asked Jan. She nodded and left, going into her room.
Flat Top glared. "What did you do that for?"
"I know you wanted to leave Flat Top..." Rusty started.
"Um... well..."
"But I can't. Not yet. I've..."
"Okay, that's fine."
Rusty was a bit startled that FT wasn't fighting with him on this
Flat Top scuffed his toe stop into the ground. "How's... how's Jamie?"
"He's sorta out of it, but he's looking a lot better then he did. I think I cheered him up..."
"Good for you."
"but I want to help him..."
"Uh, Rusty? Tank, diesel, you steamer?"
"I know that...but he sure left quick after I let out that whistle..."
"So I think that we should stay here until midnight tonight..."
"As long as I don't have to share your bunk." *Cause I wanna share Jan's.*
"Fine. I freak you out around midnight anyway."
"I've..." Rusty started.
"I've asked Jamie if he'll come with us..." Rusty said.
Flat Top's eyes lit up. "Jan too?"
"If she wants I guess so..."
Flat Top grinned broadly. "Cool. Let's go!"
"He won't go."
"Who won't?"
"Oh. WHY?"
"Well, I think he wants to, but he's afraid Tank won't let him."
"Well, don't tell Tank."
Flat Top glared and made a fist.
"What?" Rusty asked, taking a step back
Flat Top glared again and lowered it. "Let's tell him he's gotta come with us. Jan won't go without him."
Rusty nodded, "I don't want to leave them here." He looked at Flat Top, "What's the sudden concern about her?"
Rusty's eyes widened, "Oh..." he said with a smile, "I understand..."
Flat Top glowered. "One word of this to anyone, and I'm gonna break your face."
Rusty held up his hands in surrender.
Flat Top smirked.
"I'll behave," Rusty said, "I'm not gonna tease somebody who's in luv..."
Flat Top glared again.
Rusty smiled, he was right. No wonder Flat Top was being so nice to Jan
Flat Top sighed softly. "So, what do we do now?"
"We wait until midnight..." Rusty said with a smile.
"Until then..."
He shrugged, "Hang out here I guess."
Jan's door slowly opened, "I hope I'm not interrupting anything..."
"Nope. Come on out, Jan," Flat Top offered.
She smiled and came out, "Thank you, both of you for everything... Can I...can I get you anything?"
"No, thanks," Flat Top said graciously. The words felt strange on his tongue.
She sat down at the kitchen table. "How's Jamie, Rusty?"
"Doing much better," Rusty said, "But I was wondering..." he trailed off.
Flat Top skated over and took Jan's hand. "If you'd come home with us," he said.
Jan's mouth formed an O and she turned rather pinkish. "Jamie," she mouthed.
"He can come too," Flat Top added quickly.
Jan looked back and forth between Rusty and Flat Top in astonishment. "You mean it? They'd take him at your yard?"
"Of course. Why wouldn't we?"
Jan looked down, "I never thought anybody else would be willing to take him on..."
"Well, there's no reason why he can't come to our yard."
She smiled, "I've tried before, to get him away from here, but nobody wants a little diesel engine..."
"At our yard, he wouldn't have to do anything."
"Really." Flat Top squeezed her hand lightly.
Jan smiled at Flat Top when suddenly there was a knock on the door.
Flat Top looked up in surprise. "Expecting someone?"
"No..." Jan said slowly.
Flat Top swallowed. "Uh..."
Her eyes widened, "Oh dear..."
"Bet I know who that is..." she said sadly.
"Whenever...whenever..." she indicated Jamie's room, "Whenever that happens *he* always sends for me..."
Flat Top gripped her hand tightly. Maybe a little too tightly. "No!"
Flat Top let go. "Sorry."
"I bet he wants to try and make things better with me," she said with a sigh.
"I won't let you go!" Flat Top said as another, louder knock, hammered the door.
"You have to." she said with a sigh. "What?" she shouted to the door.
"Open up!" ordered a loud voice.
"No. Go away!" Jan shouted back.
"Now, Jan!"
That resulted in a tremendous crash as two of the three gang members rammed the door, knocking it off its hinges.
"You break my door I'm telling Tank!"
"Then you might wanna come tell him now!" one member brawled, knocking the door in so it hit the floor with a crash. "He wants all four of you. Now!"
Jan stood up and glared at the gang member levelly. "I will then."
The other two stepped inside. "Where's your little brother?"
"You ought to know better then me," she retorted
The gang glared, and one of them moved to the door of Jamie's room, opening the door and emerging a moment later with a struggling Jamie under his arm like a football.
"Put him down," Jan said.
"Then you all come. Now."
"only if you put him down."
The gang member dropped Jamie roughly so he landed hard on his bum. "Kay, let's go."
With an apologetic glance at Jamie, Jan strode out into the yard, brushing past the gang
One of them took up a position behind her. Another one dragged Jamie along behind him, and the third shoved Flat Top and Rusty roughly out the door.
Rusty shrugged and followed along
Flat Top shouldered the gang member, who shouldered him back.
Tank looked up and smiled seeing Jan approach.
Jamie shrank down a bit, trying to hide behind the bigger engine that pulled him, something not hard for him to do, being so small.
"What did you bring them all for?" Tank said to his gang.
"Cause you told us to," one of them replied.
"I said for you to bring Jan, and that I had something FOR her, not for you to bring all FOUR of them..." Tank groaned.
"Oh, well then, we can leave," Flat Top said, grabbing Rusty's couplers.
"Wait..." Tank said, looking at Rusty suspiciously.
Jamie froze. What did Tank want with Rusty?
"You did something before, out on the tracks, with the freight train..." Tank said.
Flat Top held his face in his hands. "Oh no."
"What?" Rusty asked.
"How did you do that? Steamers aren't that strong..." Tank said.
Jamie ducked his head. That sounded like a slam if he ever heard one.
Rusty shrugged, "I don't know what you saw, so I can't really answer that."
"Don't get us killed, Rusty," Flat Top mumbled into his hands.
Tank looked a bit confused at that one. "And then you whistled..."
"I usually do," Rusty said.
"No, I mean when I was about to ram the useless one..." Tank said.
Jamie ducked his head. That was a new name on him.
Rusty shook his head. "No..."
Tank frowned, "I was sure I heard something." Rusty shrugged.
Flat Top peeked through his fingers. "Uh, Rusty?"
"What?" Rusty asked softly
"Uh, why don't you tell him the truth?"
Rusty leaned back and stepped on Flat Top's skate, to keep him quiet.
"Ouch!" Flat Top snarled.
Rusty turned around and glared at Flat Top. Then he winked, then glared again.
Flat Top watched him and looked away angrily. What was Rusty doing? He was going to get them all killed.
Rusty looked up respectfully at Tank. "Would you excuse me? I need to deal with this." he indicated Flat Top. Tank looked startled, and then understood. Apparently Rusty didn't take anything from his cars, he thought.
Flat Top's eyes widened. "Why you-"
Rusty grabbed Flat Top's couplings and dragged him away...
Flat Top struggled. "Lemme go!"
Once they were far enough away Rusty did let go.
Flat Top glared. "What's up with you?"
"I'm sorry Flat Top but-"
"I needed to get us out of there."
"You wanted to *stay*?"
"Well, no, but... you're just gonna LEAVE those two in there with him?"
"No, of course not, but I needed to get far enough away..."
"You'll see, now hush, I wanna listen..."
"Okay, okay."
"Sit there, stay still and shut up," Tank commanded Jamie, pointing over to the corner.
Jamie flinched and obediently lowered himself painfully into the corner, huddling against the wall.
"Watch him," Tank said to two of his gang.
Jamie shrank down low.
"Now Jan," Tank said in an entirely different tone, "Come here..." he called sweetly.
Jamie inhaled sharply. "Jan, no."
Jan took a step towards him and then crossed her arms and waited.
"No darlin', I mean over here by me," Tank said.
"Jan-" Jamie began.
"I told you to shut up!"
Jamie flinched and ducked down again.
"Don't tell him to shut up!" Jan exclaimed, "I want to know what he wants."
Jamie felt braver with his sister standing up for him.
Tank growled very softly.
Jamie cowered. He didn't like it when Tank was mad.
"Now look what you did!" Jan said.
"Hey, sorry babe," Tank said, "Come here, let me make it up to you..."
"Don't touch her!" Jamie ordered, then clapped a hand over his mouth.
Tank glared at Jamie
Jamie cowered, nearly laying on the floor, he was down so low.
Rusty, crouched under the window outside, figured now was as good a time as any...
"Rusty, what are you-" Flat Top began.
"Wooooooooo-woooooooooo!" the ghostly whistle sounded.
Flat Top covered his ears.
Tank looked up startled, "Did you hear that?" he demanded of the nearest gang member.
The member nodded slowly, looking nervous.
"Did you hear that?" he asked Jan. She shook her head innocently, "No..."
Jamie looked up and glanced at the window. Rusty...?
"You?" Tank snapped at Jamie
Jamie ducked again. "What?"
"Did you hear that?"
"Uh, no..."
"No." Jamie shook his head, which made him hurt all over again.
Tank growled, "Get out of my sight!" he ordered Jamie.
Jamie scrambled to his wheels, nearly falling over them in his haste to get up. He headed for the door, then stopped. "But, Jan.."
"I said Go!"
Jamie ducked and scatted out the door.
"This is not a good way to win me over," Jan said.
Jamie looked around once he got outside. "Rusty?"
Rusty gently pulled Jamie down and covered his mouth.
Jamie's eyes widened, and he kept silent.
Rusty, assured that Jamie would be quiet, pulled his hand away. Then he went back to listening again.
Jamie grabbed Rusty's arm lightly. "Jan," he whispered softly in Rusty's ear.
Rusty nodded. Then he took a deep breath
Flat Top covered his ears again and glared.
Tank nearly jumped out of his skin at the whistle.
Jamie couldn't hold back a giggle and clapped a hand over his mouth to muffle it.
Tank looked around the room to see if anybody else had heard that.
The gang was shuffling and looking rather nervous.
"What's wrong Tank?" Jan asked, "You don't look so well, maybe you should go lay down..."
Jamie hid another giggle.
"maybe you're right Jan," Tank said, "Why don't you come help me get settled."
Jamie growled softly
Rusty pinned a hand over Jamie's mouth again. "WHOOOOOOO!"
Flat Top growled. Jamie flinched and covered his ears.
Tank shuddered and got up. "Come here," he ordered his gang.
The group immediately moved to his side.
"Whatever that is, it ain't getting through to me," Tank said.
Jan took this opportunity to sneak outside.
Jamie nearly jumped up. "Jan!"
Rusty silenced Jamie again. They would have to get further away from here first.
Jamie covered his mouth sheepishly.
Rusty indicated for them all to follow and skated away from Tank's place.
Jamie followed close behind, but he was still having troubles skating, and he tripped and hit the rails with a crash.
Rusty yanked Jamie up to his wheels, hitched the other two behind and bolted down the tracks, hitting something near his top speed.
Jamie was not even moving his wheels trying to keep up. He had never gone this fast before, and it scared him.
Rusty finally came to a stop far enough away, near the water tower, where they had first arrived
Jamie instantly released him the moment they had come to a complete stop and dropped to his knees, panting.
Rusty promptly took a drink.
Jan steadied herself against the water tower. "Wow..."
Jamie looked up a bit. "Ugh," he moaned softly, holding his stomach.
Jan skated over to Jamie and set a hand on his shoulder comfortingly.
Jamie sat up and leaned back against Jan's leg.
"Okay..." Rusty said softly, having finished drinking. "I don't know why that freaks him out, but I'm rather glad it does." He looked upwards, "Thank Starlight for that..."
Jamie shook his head to clear it. "Ugh. Tank's gonna kill us..."
"No..." Rusty said.
"He will!" Jamie insisted.
"Not if I get to him first," Jan said, "Jamie...Rusty and Flat Top have invited us..."
"I heard..."
"You did?" she smiled, "Great."
Jamie gripped her leg tightly. "Tank won't let us."
She sighed, and then looked up, "He's right..."
Flat Top's face fell.
"No." Rusty said.
"Yes," Jamie insisted.
"No," Rusty repeated, "Listen, nothing's impossible."
"This is," Jamie moaned, closing his eyes and gripping Jan's legs together so she nearly fell down.
Jan steadied herself on the water tower.
"Jamie, listen to me," Rusty said, "Remember what I told you before?"
"About... about you winning the race?" Jamie asked, sniffing slightly to hold back tears.
"This is just like that, we can beat this."
Jamie slowly got to his wheels, steadying himself on Jan. "But..."
"But what?"
"But, Tank..."
"Forget him."
"But, Rusty..."
"He... you don't know... what he can do..."
"What can he do then?"
"A lot more than what he's done..."
Rusty let out a burst of steam in response
Jamie coughed and waved the hot air away from his face.
"Sorry," Rusty said.
"It's... okay," Jamie said softly.
"No, I mean it," Rusty said, "I do that, I forget that it's hot to others..."
"It's okay," Jamie insisted.
Rusty nodded, "Okay then..."
Jamie blinked back tears. "What're we gonna do?"
"Tank's already freaked out by my whistle right?"
"Well, yeah..."
Rusty grinned at Flat Top, "Come midnight..."
Flat Top glared. "Don't involve me in this."
"But you know what happens then..."
Jamie looked confused. "What happens?"
Rusty considered showing them his eyes, but was worried that Jamie would freak.
Jamie looked back and forth between Rusty and Flat Top. "What?"
"Gonna do it," Rusty warned Flat Top
Flat Top backed away.
Rusty closed his eyes for a second and then opened them. They glowed faintly.
Jan looked up startled, "What the-?"
Jamie backed away, nearly smacking into Jan.
Rusty blinked again, and his eyes returned to normal.
Jamie gripped Jan tightly. "What was that?"
"One of the reasons that I know we can pull this off." Rusty answered.
"Alien eyes," Flat Top mumbled behind him.
Jamie looked confused. "I don't see how that's gonna..."
"Wait until midnight, when I'm stronger..."
Jamie bit his lip. "He'll find us by then."
"Is he seriously gonna look for you?"
"He'll look for me," Jan said softly.
"And if he finds her, he's gonna blame me for it," Jamie added.
"Because he wants any excuse to beat me up."
"Why does he like doing that?" Rusty asked
"Because he can," Jamie said bitterly.
"You want it to stop?" Rusty asked.
"Of course," Jamie said softly.
"Then you gotta trust me," Rusty said.
Jamie swallowed. "Rusty..."
"Do you trust me?"
"okay then," Rusty said, "As long as we can lay low for the next few hours..."
Jamie grew pale.
"We can," Jan said, "I know somewhere..."
Jamie looked up in surprise.
"The old tracks, where I'm "scared" to go..." she answered.
Jamie seemed to slow down as they drew nearer.
Jan sighed, "Come on, it's not that bad."
Rusty looked around, it really wasn't that bad, in fact, the lay out reminded him of home.
Jamie sighed and gave them both another push.
"okay stop," Jan said after a few more minutes and they were in the middle of the old part of the tracks.
Jamie instantly hit the brake and huddled close to Jan.
Flat Top looked around. "Cozy," he muttered.
"it's not that bad," Rusty said looking around.
Jamie sank weakly to his knees, his body protesting from the work in his already-hurting muscles.
"They won't look for us here," Jan said, "And in there." she indicated a shed, "I've got a stash of stuff... so we'll be fine."
Flat Top raised a brow. "When did you plan all this?"
Jan shrugged, "I hide out here a lot."
Jamie looked up in surprise. "You do?"
"Whenever I need to hide from somebody, but you never wanted to come along..."
"Oh yeah," Jamie said softly.
"There's nothing strange here," Jan said, "It's not really haunted."
Jamie shivered. "Feels like it is."
There was a creaking sound from over head.
Jamie yelped and dove into Jan's arms.
"It's just the wind in the old wooden trestle," Jan soothed.
Jamie peered out from under Jan's arm. "O... okay."
Rusty was looking around.
Flat Top sighed. "Now what?"
"This feels like home," Rusty said softly.
"No it doesn't," Flat Top said, rolling his eyes.
"Well not really," Rusty said, "But it feels like the old tracks, through the old tunnel. Pearl and I go there a lot." He smiled, thinking of her.
Flat Top rolled his eyes again. "And we don't want to know what goes on there."
Rusty stuck his tongue out at Flat Top
Flat Top glared.
"If you don't want to know then don't worry about it," Rusty said with a smile
Flat Top balled up his fists.
Rusty didn't notice, thinking about Pearl had put him in an amazingly good mood.
Jamie sat down on the edge of what looked like an old platform.
"Okay, anybody hungry?" Jan asked.
"How can you think about food?" Jamie moaned.
"Sorry Jamie..." she said.
Jamie shook his head and put his face in his hands.
Jan vanished inside of a shed, presumably to get something to eat.
Jamie sighed softly and looked up again.
Rusty suddenly realized the Look that Flat Top was giving him.
Flat Top rolled his eyes and looked away.
Rusty shrugged and rolled over towards where Jan had gone.
Flat Top watched him go
Rusty rolled out a few minutes later and looked around, "Hey guys...?"
Jamie looked up. "What?"
"I think I'm gonna shut down for a bit," Rusty said.
"You... you're gonna what?"
"I'm gonna take a nap."
"Oh, okay."
Rusty rolled over to an out of the way place and sank down to the ground.
Jamie looked around. Left alone with just Flat Top, he felt a little scared. "Jan?"
"Yeah Jamie?" she called, coming out.
"Jan, can ya stay out here?"
"Yeah, sure..." she said, coming out and sitting down next to him.
Jamie cuddled close to her.
She hugged him close, gently playing with his hair in a big sister sort of way.
Jamie held her tight. "I'm scared."
"Of what?"
"I dunno..."
She gently rocked him, "Shh..." she soothed.
Jamie cuddled close. Flat Top glared just a bit, jealous.
"Go to sleep now," Jan said softly, "Nothing bad'll happen to you..."
Jamie nodded slowly. "O... okay..."
"I'll be right here."
"Okay," Jamie agreed.
"So then you can sleep..."
Jamie nodded and laid down slowly next to her.
Jan continued to sit next to him, pointedly staying there so he'd feel better.
Jamie sighed softly and closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep.
Jan sighed softly in relief.
Flat Top looked up at her. "He sleeping now?"
Flat Top smiled and scooted closer. "Just us now."
"Guess so," she said with a smile.
Flat Top smiled and laid a hand on her knee.
"You know what?"
"You're not like any freight car I've ever met before." Jan said.
Flat Top smiled. "Thanks."
"I mean, I thought that freight cars were rude, and mean and childish and always pulling pranks on their engines...but you..." she trailed off and smiled.
Flat Top turned red. "Well..."
Jan smiled, "I guess that you're special."
Flat Top actually blushed. "I am?"
She leaned in closer, "yes."
Flat Top slowly leaned towards her. "I... I think you're special too..."
"Thank you," Jan said.
Flat Top leaned closer. "You're welcome."
"I'm glad you came here," Jan said softly.
"I'm glad I came too," Flat Top replied.
"Do you really think you can take us with you?" she asked.
"I hope so." Their faces were only inches apart.
Jan closed her eyes, enjoying Flat Top's presence.
Flat Top ever so slowly leaned in, his hand reaching up to tilt her face towards his.
Jan wasn't surprised when they kissed, in fact she enjoyed it quite a bit. She also didn't pull away from him.
Flat Top held the kiss for a long time, his hand gently holding her face.
When they finally parted Jan didn't open her eyes, she leaned up against him.
Flat Top held her close to his chest.
"I want to come with you." she mumbled.
"I want you to come too."
She sighed contented and relaxed against him.
Flat Top held her close and kissed the top of her head.