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Love, Romance and
You Know What!


Your sexuality is a dimension of your personality, and whenever you are sexually active, you are expressing yourself -- the self that you are at the moment, the mood that you're in, the needs that you have.
Virginia Johnson

a red rose
My own view, for what it's worth, is that sexuality is lovely, there cannot be too much of it, it is self-limiting if it is satisfactory, and satisfaction diminishes tension and clears the mind for attention and learning.
Paul Goodman - Compulsory Miseducation

a red rose
Sexuality throws no light on love, but only through
love can we learn to understand sexuality.
Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy

a red rose
You don't get high-quality sex without love …
Alex Comfort - The Joy of Sex

a red rose
You mustn't force sex to do the work of love
nor love to do the work of sex.
Mary McCarthy - The Group

a red rose
Sex is not something we do,
it is something we are.
Mary Calderone -
in Kogan's, Human Sexual Expression

a red rose
It is depressing to have to insist that sex is not an unnecessary, morally dubious self-indulgence but a basic human need, no less for women than for men.
Ellen Willis - Beginning to See the Light

a red rose
Sex ought to be a wholly satisfying link between two affectionate people from which they emerge unanxious, rewarded and ready for more.
Alex Comfort - The Joy of Sex

a red rose
I am convinced that happy, guiltless, and lusty intercourse stimulates the circulation and digestion, gets all the glands going, and is the best physical medicine in the world.
Alan Watts

a red rose
Where there is real sex there is the
underlying passion for fidelity …
D H Lawrence

a red rose
The sex instinct is one of the three or four prime movers of all
that we do and are and dream, both individually and collectively.
Philip Wylie - Generation of Vipers

a red rose
Before the child ever gets to school it will have received crucial, almost irrevocable sex education and this will have been taught by the parents, who are not aware of what they are doing.
Mary S Calderone

a red rose
From best sellers to comic books (or, from TV and the Internet), any child who hasn't acquired an extensive sex education by the age of 12 belongs in remedial reading.
Will Stanton

a red rose
While I was visiting friends, the youngest member of the family, a seven-year-old boy, began to question his mother insistently about the facts of life. Patiently, she explained the miracle of life from conception, when large numbers of sperm raced towards the as yet unfertilised egg, through the nine months of pregnancy, to birth. As the lad sat quietly pondering over what he had heard, his expression changed gradually from puzzlement to understanding. Suddenly he grinned from ear to ear, leapt up, threw his arms around his mother, and cried, "And I won the race!"
Source unknown

a red rose
The procreation of mankind is a great marvel and mystery. Had God consulted me in the matter, I should have advised him to continue the generation of the species by fashioning them out of clay, in the way Adam was fashioned.
Martin Luther - Table-Talk

a red rose
Poor honest sex, like dying,
should be a private matter.
Lawrence Durrell - Prospero's Cell

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There may be some things better than sex, and there may
be some things worse. But there's nothing exactly like it.
W C Fields

a red rose
There's a story about President and Mrs Coolidge visiting a poultry show. The guide says to Mrs Coolidge, "You know, Ma'am, the rooster here performs his services up to eight or nine times a day." To which the First Lady replied, "Please see to it that the President is given that information!"

A while later the President's party came through the same exhibit and the guide told him, "Sir, Mrs Coolidge said to be sure to tell you that the rooster there performs his services up to eight or nine times a day." Coolidge thought for a moment and asked, "Same chicken each time?" "No, Mr President, different chickens each time." "Then see to it that Mrs Coolidge is given that information!"

Source unknown

a red rose
Women are silver dishes into which we put golden apples.
J W von Goethe --
quoted in Johann Peter Eckermann's Conversations with Goethe

a red rose
Women complain about sex more often than men.
Their gripes fall into two major categories:
1. Not enough. and 2. Too much.
Ann Landers

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My own belief is that there is hardly anyone whose sexual life, if it were broadcast, would not fill the world at large with surprise and horror.
W Somerset Maugham

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Sex is the tabasco sauce which an adolescent national
palate sprinkles on every course in the menu.
Mary Day Winn -- Adam's Rib

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To me the term "sexual freedom" meant
freedom from having to have sex.
Jane Wagner

a red rose
The physical aspect of love does not in itself carry any significance. It can be a communion or a separation: a wonderful communion, if it is mutual; a tragic separation, if it is just a way of taking from each other to fulfil personal desires. In the first case, it is a meeting of two people. In the second, it is a collision of two objects.
Michel Quoist - With Open Heart

a red rose
The sexual relation between man and woman consummates in the act of coition. Now what is the act of coition? We know its functional purpose of procreation. But, after all our experience and all our poetry and novels we know that the procreative purpose of sex is, to the individual man or woman, just a side-show. To the individual, the act of coition is a great psychic experience, a vital experience of tremendous importance. On this vital individual experience the life and very being of the individual largely depends.

But what is the experience? Untellable. Only, we know something. We know that in the act of coition the blood of the individual man, acutely surcharged with intense vital electricity-we know no word, so say "electricity", by analogy-rises to a culmination, in a tremendous magnetic urge towards the magnetic blood of the female. The whole of the living blood in the two individuals forms a field of intense, polarised magnetic attraction. So, the two poles must be brought into contact.

In the act of coition, the two seas of blood in the two individuals, rocking and surging towards contact, as near as possible, clash into a oneness. A great flash of interchange occurs, like an electric spark when two currents meet or like lightning out of the densely surcharged clouds. There is a lightning flash which passes through the blood of both individuals, there is a thunder of sensation which rolls in diminishing crashes down the nerves of each-and then the tension passes. The two individuals are separate again. But are they as they were before? Is the air the same after a thunderstorm as before? No. The air is as it were new, fresh, tingling with newness.

D H Lawrence - Fantasia of the Unconscious

a red rose
To drive home the close parallel between the sexual act and the mystical union with God may seem blasphemous today. Yet the blasphemy is not in the comparison, but in the degrading of the one act of which man is capable that makes him like God both in the intensity of his union with his partner and in the fact that by this union he is a co-creator with God. All the higher religions recognise the sexual act as something holy: hence their condemnation of adultery and fornication under all circumstances. These acts are not forbidden because they are demonstrably injurious on rational grounds; they are forbidden because they are a desecration of a holy thing, they are a misuse of what is most godlike in man.
R C Zachner - Mysticism Sacred and Profane

a red rose
The sexual act is not a mere pleasure of the body, a purely carnal act, but is a means by which love is expressed and life perpetuated. It becomes evil, if it harms others or if it interferes with a person's spiritual development, but neither of these conditions is inherent in the act itself. The act by which we live, by which love is expressed and the race continued is not an act of shame or sin. But when the masters of spiritual life insist on celibacy, they demand that we should preserve singleness of mind from destruction by bodily desire.
Sarvapalli Radhakrishan - Mahatma Gandhi

a red rose
Sex becomes a problem when it is wrenched out of its context. And its true context is not duty, or the rearing of children, or family life, important as these are; the true context of sex is joy. The Creator has shared with His children the gift of creation; man seeks to exercise that gift out of frustration, or to compensate for a feeling of inferiority, or as a means to some end, whereas of the Creator it was said that he saw everything that He had made and pronounced it good, and that at creation "the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy".

What do we find at the basis of unhappy or strained sexual relationships? That one or other of the partners is having recourse to physical intimacy out of a feeling of frustration, or in order to forget, or to flee from a feeling of inadequacy or disappointment. Instead of being a celebration, the act becomes a means of escape or of forgetfulness, it proceeds not from health but from disease, not out of strength but out of weakness, not from joy and health but from exasperation or self-pity. And the result is that one of the partners feels that he or she is being used as a thing, a drug, a medicine or as a hot-water bottle, is being prostituted as a person.

As a young and happily married man said to me last night, "I love my wife, and at moments when we have achieved real fellowship in mind and spirit, when we have a good day together, I turn to her in complete happiness to fulfil and consummate that deep, rich joy we have had in each other. But I am unhappy and somewhat repelled when Elizabeth, having had a frustrated day, feeling disappointed with herself, or being self-distrustful about her career, turns to the physical act in order to forget it all, in order to compensate for the happiness she feels she has missed on another level."

This is not an isolated case. And what is really happening is that people are using the flesh in order to solve the problems of the spirit. They obtain in momentary relief from the tension of self. But the relief is only a semblance of the true atonement. What is experienced is not spiritual identity with the loved one, but a momentary escape from separateness in the darkness of the unconscious. And so, far from being permanently enriched and cleansed by this experience, the self returns to the daylight world fundamentally unchanged, if not indeed corrupted.

Somebody once said that two people have no chance of being successfully married to each other if they are not already married to themselves. Of course we are incomplete as we are, and marriage wonderfully fulfils and integrates our lives. But it is the total experience of being married that does this, not one isolated act. People expect from physical union what can only come from growth and discipline at other levels. And so sex becomes an attempt to redeem the self instead of a sharing of the redeemed self

W B J Martin - Five Minutes to Twelve

a red rose
I am here myself; as though this heave of effort
At starting other life, fulfilled my own;
Rose-leaves that whirl in colour round a core
Of seed-specks kindled lately and softly blown

By all the blood of the rose-bush into being -
Strange, that the urgent will in me, to set
My mouth on hers in kisses, and so softly
To bring together two strange sparks, beget

Another life from our lives, so should send
The innermost fire of my own dim soul out-spinning
And whirling in blossom of flame and being upon me!
That my completion of manhood should be the beginning

Another life from mine! For so it looks.
The seed is purpose, blossom accident.
The seed is all in all, the blossom lent
To crown the triumph of this new descent.

Is that it, woman? Does it strike you so?
The Great Breath blowing a tiny seed of fire
Fans out your petals for excess of flame,
Till all your being smokes with fine desire?

Or are we kindled, you and I, to be
One rose of wonderment upon the tree
Of perfect life, and is our possible seed
But the residuum of the ecstasy?

How will you have it? - the rose is all in all,
Or the ripe rose-fruits of the luscious fall?
The sharp begetting, or the child begot?
Our consummation matters, or does it not?

To me it seems the seed is just left over
From the red rose-flowers' fiery transience;
Just orts and slarts; berries that smoulder in the bush
Which burnt just now with marvellous immanence.

Blossom, my darling, blossom, be a rose
Of roses unchidden and purposeless; a rose
For rosiness only, without an ulterior motive;
For me it is more than enough if the flower unclose.
D H Lawrence -- Rose of All the World