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Love, Romance and
You Know What!

Women and Sex

In real life women are always trying to mix something up with sex -- religion or babies or hard cash; it is only men who long for sex separated out, without rings or strings.
Katharine Whitehorn - Man's Ideal Woman

a red rose
Only through each woman's discovery of 'her own interior wavelength' -- her exploration of what it is that she herself, separate from her programming, thinks is erotic -- can an integrated self, which is a possible and honourable goal, be approached.
Robin Morgan

a red rose
American women are suffering, quite simply, a massive sickness of sex without self. No one has warned them that sex can never be a substitute for personal identity; that sex itself cannot give identity to a woman, any more than to a man; that there may be no sexual fulfilment at all for the woman who seeks her self in sex.
Betty Friedan - The Feminine Mystique 1963

a red rose
Their lives centre around their vaginas:
what goes in and what comes out.
Erica Abeel - Park Bench Mothers

a red rose
Convolute cranny, hair and air, ambrosial
chalice where seed can cling.
John Updike - Couples

a red rose
… that wonderful rare space in you.
Rainer Maria Rilke - Phallic Poems

a red rose
It is like a purple flower of crimson, full of honey and perfume. It is like a hydra of the sea, living and soft, open at night. It is the humid grotto, the shelter always warm, the Asylum where man rests on his march toward death.
Pierre Louys - Aphrodite

a red rose
On this soft anvil all mankind was made.
John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester - Sodom

a red rose
Real satisfaction is not enshrined in a tiny cluster of nerves but in the sexual involvement of the whole person.… Women must hold out not just for orgasm but for ecstasy.
Germaine Greer

a red rose
It is this aspect of a woman that has heat. Not a heat as in "Let's have sex, baby, baby." But like a fire underground that burns high then low, in cycles. From the energy released there, a woman acts as she sees fit. A woman's heat is not a state of sexual arousal but a state of intense sensory awareness that includes, but is not limited to, her sexuality.
Clarissa Pinkola Estes

a red rose
He thinks because I'm flat on my back he's got me but
I've got him: caught, clenched as if I had my teeth in him.
Maureen Duffy

a red rose
A young man who grows up expecting to dominate sexually is bound to be somewhat startled by a young woman who wants sex as much as he does, and multi-orgasmic sex at that.
Nora Ephron

a red rose
What is sex? According to the women who love it, it includes all of our senses, and it also includes how we think and put information together, how we feel about what is happening and what it all means to us. If a partner is involved, it includes how we respond to our partner's sensations, thoughts, emotions, and meanings. Moreover, our sexual relationships occur in time, a time present that includes both time past and time future-memories and dreams, terrors, anxieties, hopes, anticipations.
Gina Ogden - Women Who Love Sex