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Love, Romance and
You Know What!

Men and Sex

Remember when you were a kid and the boys didn't like the girls? Only sissies liked girls? What I am trying to tell you is that nothing has changed. You think boys grow out of not liking girls, but we don't grow out of it. We just grow horny. That's the problem. We mix up liking pussy for liking girls. Believe me, one couldn't have less to do with the other.
Jules Feiffer

a red rose
Prof. Higgins was right -- men wish that woman's sexuality was like theirs, which it isn't. Male sexuality is far brisker and more automatic. Your clothes, breasts, odour, etc. aren't what he loves instead of you -- they are simply the things he needs in order to set sex in motion to express love. Women find this hard to understand.
Alex Comfort - The Joy of Sex

a red rose
The sexual organs are the most sensitive organs of the human being. The eye or the ear seldom sabotages you. An eye will not stop seeing if it doesn't like what it sees. I would say that the sexual organs express the human soul more than any other limb of the body. They are not diplomats. They tell the truth ruthlessly. Its nice to deal with them and their caprices, but they are even more meshuga than the brain.
Isaac Bashevis Singer

a red rose
The penis is the only muscle man has he cannot flex. . . . It is the only extremity he cannot control.… But even worse, as it affects the dignity of its owner, is its seeming obedience to that inferior thing, woman. It rises at the sight, or even the thought of a woman.
Elizabeth Gould Davis - Scold

a red rose
O what a peacemaker is a guid wee-willy pintle,
It is the mediator, the guarantee, the umpire,
the bond of union, the solemn league and covenant,
the plenipotentiary, the Aaron's rod, the Jacob's staff,
the prophet Elisha's pot of oil, the Ahasuerus' sceptre.
the sword of mercy, the philosopher's stone, the horn
of plenty, and the Tree of Life between Man and Woman.
Robert Burns - The Merry Muses of Caledonia

a red rose
His sex beat about like the
cane of a furious blind man.
Amos Oz (attrib.)

a red rose
Men are not measured in inches.
Thomas Fuller -
Gnomologia: Adages and Proverbs

a red rose
A man troubled by impotence was advised by his doctor to try walking ten kilometres a day during the next week as he felt this would help the man's condition. The man rang the doctor a week later and reported he had done what the doctor had said. "Has it made any difference to your condition?" the doctor asked. Well," the man said, "I'm now seventy kilometres from home so I haven't had a chance to find out yet, have I?"
Source unknown

a red rose
Men 30 to 39 years old think about sex every 15 minutes.
After 40, the frequency drops to once every half hour.
Men's Health Magazine (1990)

a red rose
A young man was asked by a counsellor if he was troubled by sexual
thoughts. "Oh no," he answered, "I enjoy them enormously."
Lord Fanshaw - Raise Your Glasses

a red rose
He said that as a schoolboy sexual thoughts dominated his mind. "I felt as I grew older this fever would lessen, even leave me. But it was not the case; it raged on through my twenties, and I thought: Well, surely by the time I am forty, I will receive some release from this torment, this constant search for the perfect love object.

But it was not to be; all through the forties it was lurking inside my head. And then I was fifty, and then I was sixty, and nothing changed: sexual images continued to spin around my brain like figures on a carousel. Now here I am in my seventies and I am still a prisoner of my sexual imagination. I'm stuck with it just at an age when I can no longer do anything about it."

E M Forster -
quoted in Truman Capote, Music for Chameleons

a red rose
Is it not strange that desire should so
many years outlive performance?
William Shakespeare - Henry IV

a red rose
It must be admitted that we English have sex on the
brain, which is a very unfortunate place to have it.
Malcolm Muggeridge

a red rose
An old man when to his doctor and said I want my sex drive lowered. The doctor examined him and said, The only thing I can say about your sex drive is that it's all in your head. Yes, said the old man, I know, that's why I want it lowered!
Source unknown

a red rose
The sexual drive is nothing but the motor memory
of previously remembered pleasure.
Wilhelm Reich

a red rose
When a man tells you he's run out of steam in the sex department, I'll tell him, "Count your blessings; you've escaped from the clutches of a cruel tyrant. Enjoy!
Richard J Needham

a red rose
How well do I remember the aged poet, Sophocles, when in answer to the question,

"How does love suit with age -- are you still the man you were?" ...

replied, "Peace, most gladly have I escaped the thing of which you speak; I feel as if I had escaped from a mad and furious master."


a red rose
Man survives earthquakes, epidemics, the horrors of disease, and all the agonies of the soul, but for all time his tormenting tragedy is, and will be, the tragedy of the bedroom.
Leo Tolstoy

a red rose
The Don Juan who flits from woman to woman is not so much seeking endless conquest as he is trying eternally to find fulfilment in his quest for the beloved. Always in the sight of a new and attractive face, a kindly manner, an outgoing lovingness he fancies he has found that magic alchemy that will transform his life, give him a reason for existence, bolster his ego into the giant and invincible thing he would like it to be.

He comes together with an object for his love, and in union he is deluded for a while that his search is ended, that the beloved has been found. But, alas, all too soon the magic deserts him; he finds the object of his adoration to be human too, imperfect, subject to sin and error and sadness, and he deserts her, takes up the quest anew, a quest that never will be fulfilled short of its being focused upon the Divine, short of its being a search for God.

The pleasures of the flesh will not satisfy it, nor even provide forgetfulness for more than a moment, and the longing of the soul to be reunited with its entire being, with its true Self, with its Lord and Master, remains with the soul always until that longing is eased by divine union.

U S Andersen - The Secret of Secrets

a red rose
If a man is alienated from his body, physical acts appear to him to be distasteful and he is incapable of any adequate understanding of sex. Obviously, if a man regards himself as a body only, his physical acts cannot be other than on the same level as those of the animals. Neither of the two is integrated. It is only when sex is recognised as both physical (secular) and spiritual (sacred) that it can be invested with a human meaning.
J G Davies - Every Day God

a red rose
All the things of the enlightened man's life take on new and heightened significance. He finds in the sex act a spiritual union that adds to the sum of its rapture, to the totality of its ecstasy by opening planes and areas of experience that before were only vaguely hinted at. Now he comes to his beloved in reverence, in humility, knowing as he penetrates flesh he penetrates spirit also, finding in possessing and being possessed a wholeness, a togetherness, a oneness, that increases his knowledge of the Divine.

From the microcosm of the sex act he senses, radiating out on all sides into the outermost reaches of infinity, that power and permanence and rapture and joy that only can emanate from God. So he comes to his beloved spiritually as well as physically; he knows the Divine in his beloved as he knows the Divine in himself; the two mingle and are one.

U S Andersen - The Secret of Secrets

a red rose
The degree and kind of a man's sexuality reach
up into the ultimate pinnacle of his spirit.
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche -
Beyond Good and Evil