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Compiled by Ramki

Hunter Statues

          A small mandapam joins the Ashta Sakthi Mandapam and the Meenakshi Naicker Mandapam. There is a verandha on each side of this mandapam. On the southern verandha there is a statue of Goddess Parvathi eight feet in height. She is in a dancing pose with a ‘Soolayadham’ (a kind of weapon) in one of here hands. A five – hoded serpent shelters her head from the sun’s heat and rains. Some consider this statue to be that of a hunters.

               On the northern verandha, there is a statue of a hunter. This statue also is eight feet high. The hunter has a majestic look.

               A reason is attributed for keeping these two statues near entrance of the temple. The legends say that Lord Sundara and Sree Meenakashi appeared in the form of hunter and huntress and blessed a villian who repented of his crimes and sought relief at the feet of the Lord. It is belived that these statues would relieve the sufferings of those who repented of their sins and come to the temple with faith and devotion.

a red rose

Meenakshi Naicker Mandapam

         F rom the Ashta Sakthi Mandapam, we come to the Meenakshi Naicker Mandapam, called after its constructor. This Mandapam is 160 feet long and 110 feet broad. Here we can see six rows of stone pillars numbering 110 each 22 feet high.

               In each of these pillars, there is the figure of ‘a yali (a fabulous animal like a lion with an elephant’s proboscis possibly the mammoth) at the top and beautiful architecture work at the bottom. We find some unfinished statues also in this mandapam.

               There is a ‘Thriuvatchi’ (frame of lamps) at the western end of this mandapam. There are 1008 lamps in this Thiruvatchi. It’s height is about 25 feet. When lighted, it presents a magnificent sight. Having been installed by the Marudhu Pandyas its maintenance charges are met even to-day by the Sivagangai state’s Temples Here ditary Trustee.

a red rose