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More Adoptees

Here are more of my Ebabies. All of the adoptees on this page are from the same place, links are at the top and bottom of the page. Well I might as well introduce you. The First four share a adoption certificat which appears below before the first one, the last one's certificate appears after her. If you wish to adopt a fairy of your own click on eigther certificate.

Meet Demeter, My fairy of the North. She is very strong, and a very high acheiver. She is big on conservation, and nature. She is also into natural healing methods and grows most of her own herbs in her garden, she has a very prosperous garden.Well here she is, Demeter.

Meet Nuit, My fairy of the East. She is very smart, you could call her the brain of the group. She is very thoughtful, and wise. She has visions and employs her mental powers to contact angels. She has a great memory with just about everything. Of all my fairy's she has the best PMA, or Positive Mental Attitude(thankies jessie for the PMA) well here she is, Nuit.

Meet Vesta, my Fairy of the South. She is a very passionate little fairy, and very energetic. She is the most couragous of the bunch and loves to go on adventures. She is also very creative in the arts, and in touch with her higher self helps her expand this talent. She is most loyal of the group, well here she is, Vesta.

Meet Morgan, my Fairy of the West. She is probably the most pure of the group. she loves her sleep, not that she's lazy, but she loves dreams, she claims they are prophetic, I do not doubt her but she is the only one who will ever be certain of that. She is very loving, and a great friend. She spends a lot of time doing yoga and meditating, she likes to keep in touch with her inner self. She is very intuitive and emotional, she is the best one to talk to if you have problems. Like her sister she also is into nature conservation, she is very joyful little fairy. Here she is, Morgan.

Meet Harmony, The fifth element:Love. She is very much her name. She brings peace to everywhere she goes. No one, or no thing, ever leaves her unchanged, she has a way of touching the soul of everyone she meets. She has many leader qualites and in any situation she can bring order out of chaos, she is incredibly smart, not just in the acquiring and memorization of facts, but the wisdom behind them all. She has a very special way of seeming to be everywhere she is needed and always willing to help and love just one more, here she is, Harmony.

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Emeow Me.