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More Adoptees

Well I trust you are enjoying yourself, and by now I hope you've gotten the idea here. I would like to introduce you to a few more of my adopted babes.

Meet my rainbow spectrum cat, Khan . He is very affectionate and loves to play, sometimes, other times he has an attack of his wild instincts and has to run like a Big Cat, I think his favorite game is pretending he is a Tiger in the depths of the jungle. He doesn't like to be alone, however, for very long. If you would like a wildly colored cat of your own(be advised they aren't all quite tame) adopt one at Spectrum Cats. Well, here he is, Khan:


I would like you all to meet Yanair. Yanair is a gold dragon I bonded, isn't she pretty? It doesn't seem that long ago when she was a hatchling, but now she is an adult! Her telekenetic abilities are just about at their best. She says she's going to perfect them a little to be a healer. Yanair has decided to wait a little to look for a mate, I think she's just trying to catch the eye of the blue male she saw hunting last week. Well here is Yanair, if you would like to visit her home there is a link below her. Please don't make any sudden movements, and be nice.

"I'm looking over a 4 leaf clover, that I've over looked B-4" Lucky me, I found a Four-Leaf Clover! They are supposed to increase you luck and good fortune, Maybe this means I'll get more people to come visit me. I have started to call this little clover Patty, I'm thinking it's female. If you would like to see if you could find one, click Patty and see if she feels you are lucky enough to find one of your own.

Click here for Good Luck

Meet Patty'O'Green, one of Rainbow Brite's Color Kids. She colors all the green parts of the world, grass, leaves, frogs, and Four-leaf Covers like Patty. It seemed a good Idea to keep them together. She has a talent for finding four-leaf clovers. I think she has a thing for Buddy Blue, but she won't say anything, well here is that adorable Patty'O'Green. Adopt your own Color kid

