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Ok made you look. This is actually a place that I will putting peoples information up who want to be contacted and also want to part of this site. As I may be running contests from time to time.

Here is and example, me :-

Name :Sarah-Jane

Allies :IceCube02uk

Location :Fife

             Joined :30/12/03

             E-mail Address :HERE

             Site :You are here!!!!! lol

             Interests :Internet, Guinea Pigs (I have 20)

             A little about me :I am 21. I live in Fife. I have 2 children

                                     2 and 4 (both girls).

Now you do not have give me all this information. I do need and allies and an e-mail address. It will not be shown if you do not want it will be displayed the same as mine.

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