28th October 2003: Added Bring Forth The Night and Before I Wake by Maquis Leader (linked). Added Parts 20 & 21 to Meghan's Penny Series. Added a new PWP by Danielle Shafer called Coincidence. Added Scent Memory by Gia (link). Added Parts 5-7 of Katriena Knights Interstitial Angel Ficlets - Season 2. Added a new author - Mandy and her fics Fallen and Whenever I Breathe Out. Added That Little Dash by SalinaH2O. 6th October 2003: Added Smooth Criminal (link) - a collaboration between Indie and Tango. Added a short fic by Dragonqueen called Psycho. Added a new author Chrislee and her fic Waiting For The Sun. Added two more fics by Maquis Leader (links to them) - Interview With The Vampire and Angel 101: Demons, Souls, And Consciousness. Author of the month for September is: Maquis Leader. Fanfiction of the Month for September is: Smooth Criminal by Indie and Tango. 27th September 2003: Added Unforgotten Past by Danielle Shafer. Added a new author Isis Blue and her fic Sweet Surrender. Added Orpheus the Awoken Dreamer by Meghan. Added Part 4 to Katriena Knights Interstitial Angel Ficlets - Season 2. 22nd September 2003: Added parts 18 & 19 to Meghan's Pennies Series. Added 2 new fics, Chains of Love and Don't Wake Me (links) by Maquis Leader. Added parts 2 & 3 to Katriena Knights Interstitial Angel Ficlets - Season 2. Added Damage by Indie (link to her site). Added 3 PWP by Danielle Shafer called Holiday Nectar, Captured Images and Delicious Presents. Added another great collaboration by Indie and Tango called Just Across The Hall (link to site). 4th September 2003: Added (the link) to a collaboration by Tango and Indie called Making The Rent. Added Bloody Truth by Spike's Slayer Vixen. Added Part 1 to Katriena Knights Interstitial Angel Ficlets - Season 2. Added A Devil's Will - Chapter 4 by Dragonqueen. Finally we welcome another new author, Gia and her first fic post with us - Another Stolen Moment (check out her site for the rest of her great fic). Author of the month for August is: Tango. Fanfiction of the Month for August is: For the first time we have a TIE so we have 2 winners - Spilled
Perfume by Meghan 25th August 2003: Added Parts 12 & 13 to Katriena Knights Interstitial Angel Ficlets. Added Spilled Perfume and Parts 16 & 17 to The Penny Series by Meghan. Added Anywhere But Here and Sounds Of Silence by Yseult. Added Free To A Good Home by Maquis Leader (as per always it is a direct link to her site). 9th August 2003: Added a new author Markey and the fic - Close Your Eyes. Added Closer by Tango. Added Part 11 to Katriena Knights Interstitial Angel Ficlets. Added The Last Of The Spirits by Maquis Leader (link to her site). Added Mix and Match and Delusions Of A Triangle by VP. 2nd August 2003: Added two new authors. Firstly VP and her fics, She's Just a Pillow Away and Back When Things Didn't Suck. And then Danielle Shafer's fic Fate Which Binds Us. Added Parts 9 & 10 to Katriena Knights Interstitial Angel Ficlets. Added Bloody Valentine by Spike's Slayer Vixen. Added Bachelor by Dragonqueen. Added A Devil's Will by Meghan. Added Halloween Goodies by Maquis Leader (link to her site). Author of the month for July is: Maquis Leader. Fanfiction of the Month for July is: Fate Which Binds Us - Danielle Shafer. 20th July 2003: Added His Thoughts by Meghan. Added Part 8 to Katriena Knights Interstitial Angel Ficlets. Added Aucuns Regrets au Paradis by Maquis Leader (link to her site). Remember the signs around are: All NC-17 fic have this symbol (this group bears no responsibility if underage people read these NC-17 fictions) All new fics/authors have this symbol. 12th July 2003: Updated site with new graphics and backgrounds. Added Regrette Rien by Maquis Leader (link to her site). Added first 7 (yes 7) parts to Katriena Knights Interstitial Angel Ficlets. 4th July 2003: Updated the awards to win pages with new styled awards - June's winners are the first to receive the new version awards. Added parts 14 & 15 to Meghan's Penny Series. Added The Monastery at Dusk, She Only Smokes When She Drinks, Straight Tequila Night & Year of The Monkey 1 & 2 by Meghan. Added new author Bre and her poem Never and fic Afterwards. Added Three's Company, Four Is Tiring by Katriena Knights. Added Righting Wrong & Christmas Confessions by Mariah. Added another new author Maquis Leader and two of her fics - Love In Vein & Revenge (linked to her site). Added third new author Dragonqueen and her fic Forever. Added A Broken Hallelujah, The Ritual & Hot Water by Yseult. Author of the month for June is: Meghan. Fanfiction of the Month for June is: Forever by Dragonqueen. 8th June 2003: Added parts 19 & 20 to Mariah's Destiny Series. Added Finally Normal by Mariah. Added Everything and Là et Ailleurs by Yseult. Added Hope and Light and Speak Now, Or Forever Hold Your Peace and Happily Ever After Series 5 - Christmas In Vegas by Katriena Knights. Added Parts 12 and 13 to Meghan's Penny Series. New Author Susan and her fic First Alternate. Another new author Delores and her fic Once. I have also removed several of Tango's fics - I love them all but I need the space - so if any of your favorites are gone simply visit Tango's site. Author of the month for May is: Spike's Slayer Vixen. Fanfiction of the Month for May is: Là et Ailleurs by Yseult. 12th May 2003: Added part 3 of The Soulbound Series by Katriena Knights. Added part 11 to Meghan's Penny Series. 10th May 2003: Added Embracing The Darkness and I'll Stand By You by Spike's Slayer Vixen. Added The Truth Will Out, Who Needs Sleep? and Reunited (Angel ficlets) by Katriena Knights. Added part 18 to Mariah's Destiny Series. Author of the month for April is: Mariah. Fanfiction of the Month for April is: Happily Ever After Series - Shadows of the Past by Katriena Knights. Remember the signs around are: All NC-17 fic have this symbol. All new fics/authors have this symbol. 26th April 2003: Added Parts 14 - 17 to Mariah's Destiny Series. Added He Stayed By SalinaH2O. Added Ain't It Funny By Kelly Rowe. 11th April 2003: Added Part 13 to Mariah's Destiny Series. Added Strangers In The Night by Spike's Slayer Vixen (fic contains slash so be forewarned). Added Part 4 to Katriena's Happily Ever After Series - Shadows of the Past and her new series - Soulbound. Author of the month for March is: Katriena. Fanfiction of the Month for March is: Interrogation by Meghan. 30th March 2003: Added 3 new authors - Paige Darke, Katerina Knights and Golden Girl Forever. Added Part 12 to Mariah's Destiny Series. Added Come Away With Me by Yseult. 19th March 2003: Added a new fic - Abused by Tango (STRONG NC-17). Added Parts 10 and 11 to Mariah's Destiny Series. 15th March 2003: Added a new fic - Interrogation by Meghan. Added Part 9 to Mariah's Destiny Series. 12th March 2003: Added part 10 to Meghan's Penny Series. Added Parts 7 and 8 to Mariah's Destiny Series. 9th March 2003: Added another 4 parts to the Penny Series by Meghan. Added another part to Mariah's Destiny Series. Added A Reason To Drown by Yseult. Remember the signs around are: All NC-17 fic have this symbol. All new fics/authors have this symbol. 3rd March 2003: Added the first 5 parts of Mariah's Destiny Series. Added the first 5 parts of Meghan's The Penny Series - she's also a new author. Author of the month for February is: Cat. Fanfiction of the Month for February is: A Stitch In Time: Book One, by Yahtzee and Rheanna. 16th February 2003: Added Two new collaborations by Yahtzee and Rheanna called A Stitch In Time: Books One and Two. The fics are posted under each authors name. Added a new author Spike's Slayer Vixen and her fic I Wanna Be There. 6th February 2003: Added Can't Let You Go by Cat. Sorry the updates aren't larger, but for time reasons I can only post the finished fic and not any parts that come out. 1st February 2003: Added Take me to the ice-show by Jill. 26th January 2003: Okay not much to update. Added Inizi Sopra by Cat. Added Things Happen For A Reason by Jo. 9th January 2003: We're back! (Finally). Anyway we have a new look and I'm sorry to inform all you fans of the fanart that we can no longer host it due to size restrictions on the server. However we do have a range of new fics and authors for you to read - too many to mention here. So take a good look around. New signs around are: All NC-17 fic have this symbol. All new fics/authors have this symbol.