Healing Healing is a very important part of getting well, just as important as taking your medication if you are on any at all. This page isn't here to tell you what to do, it is just here for some support and tells of other ways that people with MHI, heal. The things that they do and so forth. It just may be fortunate that some of them may also be of benefit to yourself, all these healing techniques are free and there is no cost at all, maybe only a little of your time if you wish to give any of them a go. But remember what works for one person may not work for another person. But, you still have nothing to loose by giving it a go.
My illness is Borderline Personality Disorder, and it is a very complicated illness and therapists don't like to deal with us if they don't have to as BPD is very complicated to treat, this I found out from experience. So I decided to go on the journey of healing myself and tried many different techniques in my determination to heal and control this illness and the others associated with it. (You see, with BPD we are not dealing with just one illness but several rolled into one heading). My healing consisted of dealing with deep depression, pyschosis, paranoia, agrophobia, panic attacks, rage, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, self injury etc.
The first step to my healing for me was to realize that I had this illness and then to learn as much as I could about it, so that I had an understanding of it. This I felt was the only way that I could begin to heal. I first decided that I had to remove anything that made me feel negative, down or upset. This can be done in so many ways, I went and got my hair cut and sewed up a heap of new cushion covers and changed my house around. It made me feel good, and that was what was important to my healing I HAVE TO FEEL GOOD AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. I wanted my house to have a relaxing atmosphere about it, so what I did was made it that way, I have incence & oil burners and lots of little candles in my lounge room, which I light at night whilst watching television, this relaxes me alot. With the lighter side of my self healing journey aside I had to also deal, face, accept and remove past memories that were very damaging to me and my healing, some of these memories were very self destructing to me. I tried so many different techniques to try and get rid of them, but alot of the techniques only triggered me into a deeper depression and psychosis. |
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