
    To all the wonderful people who are mentioned in this book and those who aren’t, who have helped Galen in many ways.
My husband Frank, my mother Merle, our children Jared and Callum who gave their time and love. Our daughters in law Julie and Megan without whom there would have been no home program for Galen. Patricia who came every Wednesday to do ABA with her little man. Russell and Blanche Beel who made such a difference to Galen’s progress. Jan Vague and Helen Baud, his wonderful teachers whose tender care touched me and all the exceptional professional people who gave permission to have their articles and papers published in this book.

    And especially to Helen Ponsford who has been my friend and right arm for so many years. Her love and devotion to Galen and her strong belief that he would flourish, thrive and ultimately be rescued inspired me to search for answers.

From the bottom of my heart I thank them

~Bette Sartore~

In memory of John Joseph Lyons

My wonderful father

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