Book  Contents


Why this Book
Galen’s Story
Recovery from Autism is Possible       by Bernard Rimland

The Candida Connection

Candida Caused Autism?      By Bernard Rimland   

Urinary Profiles in Autistic People       By Paul Shattock
How Diets may help
The Vaccine Controversy
The Autism Explosion
Vaccination - The overlooked factors
Vaccinations by Alan Phillips
Find out for yourself....What's in a Shot
Side effects
Vaccination Update
Toilet Training by Ian & Karen Mitchell
Secretin (with comments from Paul Shattock and Bernard Rimland)
Alternative Therapies
DMG (Dimethylglycine) and TMG
Vitamin B6 & Magnesium
Melatonin  The Sleep Master
Colloidal Minerals
Food Sensitivities
Flower Essences
Chiropractic  (including a statement by Dr Russell V Beel D.C.)
Audio Training
Applied Behavioural Analysis   - (courtesy of ABIA)
The ABA Controversy      By Bernard Rimland
Suggested Reading
Heaven’s Special Child and Author’s note

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