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Found in many colours.
There are some 700 varieties of calcite.

Chakra: According to colour of the stone.

Green Calcite

Erases reverberations of shock.
Promotes a peaceful sense of being in control of life. Balances and calms.
Helps calm nervous stomach and nervousness in general. Soothing, gentle energy.
Helps release old mental patterns. A healer and friend in times of transition
and readjustment, and mental changes. Good for rheumatic illness, arthritis
and injuries involving bone and ligament damage. Aids healing following
toxic fume inhalation or allergies to toxic chemicals.

Chakra: Heart.

Blue Calcite

Helps balance and calm emotional and
mental levels, enabling you to see clearly what action you might take.
Use when overwhelmed with the intensity of change. Lessens the sense of
trauma and helps you move more easily through changes. Assists with the
expression of emotions.

Chakra: Throat.

Honey Calcite

When doing a body layout,
honey calcite is a good stone to give your client to hold in the right hand.
Helps lift energies in difficult situations. helpful during intense periods
of change. Alleviates tiredness, burdens, or feelings of disillusionment.
Honey calcite is also a calming stone.

Chakra: Solar Plexus.

Clear (Icelandic) Calcite

Clear calcite alleviates fear and reduces stress.
Like all calcites, it is an emotional balancer and very calming. Use in
meditation to help ground excess energies and increase the capacity for astral
projection. Joyful and light-hearted. Enhances spiritual awareness and
gives a feeling of connectedness and well-being.

Chakra: All chakras, particularly the Crown.

Gold Calcite

Good for meditation. Wear or carry
gold calcite when you need to be mentally alert. When used at the crown chakra,
it will assist in channelling the highest mental faculties into the
physical body for manifestation. Enhances clarity of thought and vision
and the ability to see the truth.

Chakra: Navel or Crown.

Pink and Peach Calcite

Helps heal the heart of emotional pain and trauma.
Soothing and calming. Has a very uplifting energy.

Chakra: Heart.

Stellar Beam Calcite

Also known as dogtooth calcite. Opens the
crown chakra to bring in pure white light. Enhances spiritual awareness
and provides a feeling of protection.

Chakra: Crown.

Red Calcite

Provides a safe, grounded space for you to
open up emotionally. Absorbs negative emotions that are blocking and
unbalancing the lower chakras.

Chakra: Base/Root or Solar Plexus.


Orange-red to orange-brown in colour
or shades of deep gold; a variety of chalcedony. Naturally carnelian
has a cloudy distribution of colour. Sometimes known as cornelian.

A purifier, particularly for the physical body. Calming and centering.
An excellent stone to help ease the trauma of abuse.

Chakra: Navel, Solar Plexus.

Orange/Red/Brown Carnelian.

These are very highly evolved mineral healers.
They energise the blood, aid kidneys, lungs, liver, gall bladder and help
tissue regeneration. Vitalise physical, emotional and mental bodies.
Warming and joyous. They serve as a grounder of energies and manifester on the
physical plane. Good for people who are absent-minded, confused and unfocused.
Aid concentration. Stimulate a deeper love and appreciation for the beauty and
gifts of the earth. Aid optimism, and enable you to act more spontaneously. Lift
gloom and despondency, sooth irritation. Assist in past-life exploration.

Yellow Carnelian.

This stone has a more gentle, refined vibration
than orange carnelian. It continues the process begun by that stone and
helps the journey/ Imparts a feeling of optimism.


Light blue, found often in clusters on
sedimentary rock. Also found in transparent white crystal spears.

Chakra: Throat, Third Eye or Crown for clear celestite.


Celestite helps clear left-brain clutter
so you can connect with your higher being. Calming and relaxing. Empties
the mind for rest and relaxation or meditation. Eases doubts grown in
the rational mind. It aids personal creative expression, accelerates growth,
particualrly spiritual, and enhances clear speech or expression. Helps you
adjust to higher states of awareness. Assists in contacting spirit guides and
gives access to ancient records. A manifestation and astral traveller's stone.
Enhances thyroid functions.


Crystallises in the form of masses, grains, stalictites, clusters and
single crystals. Cerussite is an important ore of lead.

Chakra: Crown.


Relieves tension and anxiety and soothes
nervous/tense headaches. Encourages spiritual growth. Use cerussite to develop
your capacity to listen to yourself and others, enhances creativity and
co-operation, and to improve past-life recall. Assists sleep and imparts
a mental calmness. Aligns the nervous system. Promotes spiritual growth
and assists in developing a less introspective character.
Grounding and comforting.


A variety of quartz. It is porous and therefore
often dyed. Natural white chalcedony has no layering or banding.

Chakra: Solar Plexus, Navel.


Encourages the expression of emotional needs.
It brings calmness and peace. Promotes emotional honesty and the expression
of feelings that you tend to smother. Assists when moving through times of sadness
and regret. An emotional balancer, energiser and soother. Alleviates anger
and irritability. Enhances mental stability.


Opaque, blue-green hydrous copper silicate.
Often found with malachite and/or azurite, rarely with dioptase.
Australian chrysocolla tends to be dark blue-green.
Often occurs with cuprite.

Chakra: Throat, Heart, Third Eye.


Chrysocolla helps clarify your spiritual purpose
by alleviating the fear of expression. It also helps clear links with
the past as you move forward. Enhances creative expression, power and
communication. Helps prevent dis-ease caused by stress such as ulcers, digestive
problems and arthritis.
This stone is an activator of feminine qualities. It is used by women
to alleviate situations such as menstrual irregularity and the birthing process.
Useful for men wishing to seek out their feminine aspects.
Chrysocolla provides a link to Mother Earth both physically and spiritually.
Relieves distress caused by negative emotions. Enhances insight.


Opaque, apple-green; a member of the
chalcedony quartz family. Nickel appears as a trace mineral, thereby producing
it's green colour. Often found in chunks with brown matrix rock.

Chakra: Heart.


Chrysoprase helps alleviate anxiety and
apprehension with the unknown. It assists in focusing the mind on the present
moment, and helps you see personal problems clearly.
This stone is calming, balancing and healing on all levels. It provides
a sense of continuity as you move forward into the unknown. Bolsters self-esteem
and enhances communication. Balances energies, male and female, positive
and negative, and helps maintain equilibrium.


yellow quartz. Often citrines are heat-treated
amethyst with tell-tail reddish streaks. natural colours range from
lemon-yellow to smoky-gold (and it sometimes looks similar to amber).

Chakra: Navel or Solar Plexus.


Citrine is excellent for tissue regeneration
and strengthening the kidneys, colon, liver, gall bladder, digestive organs and heart.
It is a detoxifier
Citrine raises self-esteem and helps you synthesise your understanding
when you feel you are being pulled in many directions. Helpful for mental clarity
in communication, writing and problem solving. Enhances optimism and
intellectual capacity, creativity and personal power. It holds the energy of wealth.
Use for clearing the aura, back problems, cleansing and stabilising the
physical body. Balances the thyroid and activates the thymus gland.


An organic gem material consisting of
calcified skeletons of coral polyps. These tiny primitive organisms attach
themselves to previous coral growth and secrete a substance which is
similar to calcite through their bases.

Chakra: According to colour of coral.

White Coral

Strengthens self-esteem and assists with
clear judgement; eases frustration and resentment at being told what to do.
Encourages you to affirm yourself and recognise the self within.
Enhances intuition and calms the emotions. Aligns the chakras and connects
you to your etheric body.

Chakra: Throat.

Red Coral

Helps resolve conflict and clear the paralysis
experienced due to fear of making a move. Encourages distance from problems
in order to think more clearly about them. Brings you into harmony with the
natural environment. Assists in easing indigestion.

Chakra: Base, Navel and Solar Plexus.


Transparent, red-orange colour. Very delicate,
forming crystalline spears and clusters.

Chakra: Navel.


It's dazzling, brilliant orange makes
crocoite one of the most highly evolved minerals of the orange ray.
The energies of crocoite are not subtle, so use as a last resort when working
on the navel chakra. It is not a good choice for people new to crystal energies.
In fact, it's colour serves almost as a warning signal.
Crocoite has a purging effect which may result in nausea if used without careful
guidance, on the other hand, when used carefully, crocoite will calm an
upset stomach, ease indigestion (what is it that you cant swallow about yourself?),
and alow the underlying issues to come through very quickly.
It is excellent in ongoing past-life work, particularly in covering
Karmic patterns. Provides the strength of character needed to forgive and
love those who have harmed you. Use for disorders of the reproductive system
and to maintain emotional and mental health.


Appears as black or deep, transparent, red crystals.

Chakra: Can be used on all chakras but resonates
closest with the Base/Root and Heart.


Cuprite enhances the flow of energy
throughout the body and balances the subtle bodies. It opens the heart chakra.
Excellent for oxygenation of the blood. Enhances self-expression,
especially of positive emotional feelings. Beneficial to many organs, especially
the blood, heart, brain and bones, and enhances the immune system and
central nervous system. Grounding and energising.

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