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Clear, yellowy and pinkish, chisel-shaped crystals.

Chakra: All. Pink at the Heart.


Danburite enhances psychic ability and
otherworld/otherplane connections. Stimulates the intellect, memory and brain.
It is joyful, happy, and promotes laughter. Encourages a calm self-assuredness
and openness to the world. Excellent for use for disorders of the cardiovascular
system, gall bladder and toxaemia. Generally useful for removing toxins from the
body and as a protector against pollution.


Diamond is pure carbon,
extremely clear, and the hardest substance known.

Chakra: All, particularly the Crown and Third Eye.


Diamond purifies the will, enhances
the courage to act on your convictions, and encourages honesty. It is a
master healer which dispels negativity and purifies the physical and etheric
bodies. Enhances purity and faithfulness; attracts abundance. Encourages
you to live by a code of ethics.
A highly spiritual stone which will accelerate the spiritual development
of those who wear it. Will repair holes in the aura. Balancing and stabilising.


Emerald-green crystalline masses on
host rocks, often with calcite and sometimes with chrysocolla.

Chakra: All, but especially the Heart.


Dioptase brings a heightened state of
awareness and emotional stability. Promotes spiritual development and
psychic/telepathic ability. Raises consciousness. One of the most
highly spiritual stones.
As an elixir, use dioptase for pains such as headaches and migraines.
It can be programmed for use with affirmations that enhance self-esteem and self-worth.
Aligns the physical and etheric bodies. Excellent for cellular
regeneration and healing.

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