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Fluorite comes in a variety of colours
including violet, blue, yellow, pink, green and clear. Often found in octahedra,
but also as a rock and in crystal clusters.
Fluorite strengthens teeth and bones, improves absorption of nutrients,
benefits the blood vessels and the spleen. It is a powerful healer, and helps
you grasp more abstract concepts, and develop the ability to comprehend.
Balances the positive and negative aspects of the mind. Fluorite enables
the mind to maintain a meditative and centred space while in the midst of
physical activity. facilitates interdimensional communication. Generally
stabilising and calming. Promotes intuition and understanding.

Chakra:According to colour of stone

Clear Fluorite

Helps you focus your attention on the
present moment and free yourself from the hold of the past. Assists in clearing
the mind during meditation. Hold clear fluorite before working with other
tools from which you seek guidance (such as tarot or pendulums).
Aligns chakras.

Chakra: Third Eye and Crown

Purple Fluorite

Is also excellent for meditation,
and prepares you by calming the mind and taking you to higher levels of
awareness. It's energies are calming and peaceful. Provides clarity and
concentration to busy minds. Excellent for students as a study aid, especially
for those learning complex subjects such as science and medicine.
Enhances rationality.

Chakra: Third Eye

Green Fluorite

Imparts a feeling of oneness with the
natural environment - enhances your love of nature. Another stone for clarity,
especially on matters concerning relationships (romantic or otherwise),
and spirituality.

Chakra: Heart and Third Eye

Yellow Fluorite

Stabilising, particularly in groups where
there is conflict. An excellent stone for use in workplaces and at meetings to
maintain a calming energy. Balancing on all levels.

A Word about Chinese Fluorite

Chinese fluorite had traditionally been used as a stone of protection and so, regardless of it's colour, it will provide an element of protection to those who use it.


Fossils hold within them many memories
of the past, and are therefore excellent for bringing forward past memories,
from this life or from past lives. Using fossils for crystal healing or
meditation will enhance your ability for past-life recall and will assist in
understanding these past influences.
Fossils also represent moving from the old to the new, and are excellent tools
for transformation, transition and spiritual development.

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