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Jadeite and nephrite, both called jade
by the gem trade, have similar characteristics - both have a monoclinic
crystalline structure. Jadeite is rarer and is a sodium aluminium silicate.

Chakra: Solar Plexus and Heart

Green Jade

Promotes the practice of detachment from
the emotional body. Encourages selective, focused thought.
Jade has a focused, calm balance. Excellent in past-life and dream work.
Provides balance for those who are emotionally over-sensitive.
Jade can be used to assist clear judgement and for preparing for meditation.
It resonates strongly with the heart, kidneys and immune system. Dispels negativity.
A sacred stone to many primitive peoples.

Nephrite (New Zealand)

Nephrite best corresponds to the heart chakra.
It is a good companion stone for rose quartz, kunzite and rhodochrosite.
When used in body layouts it will work very well with lapis, as nephrite is a
great but unrecognised power stone. It's energies are softer than it's
dark appearance would suggest. It is a gentle healer.
Use this stone if you are undergoing surgery, as it will help to calm your nerves.
It is good to place a piece of nephrite under the pillow to enhance deep and
restful sleep.
Nephrite transmutes anger into acceptance and assists in forgiving those
who would hurt you. Provides a gentle but firm barrier of protection for
sensitive people in tense, noisy and negative vibrations and energies.
When used as a meditation stone, hold nephrite in the left hand and direct the
stone's energy to the heart chakra. It will assist you in decision making
concerning spiritual and emotional matters. A very valuable stone for those
starting out on the path of spiritual development. Nephrite has the potential
to become a very good friend.


Usually considered a variety of chalcedony,
some people place jasper as a group within itself in the quartz family.
It is found in all colours.

Chakra: According to colour of stone.


All jaspers can be used for aligning the
chakras and promoting physical well-being. An excellent physical healer,
regardless of colour.

Picture Jasper

The picture jasper discussed here is the
yellow to yellow-brown variety with swirls of creams, gold and orange. It is no
accident that picture jasper has chosen it's name, for it is an excellent companion
tool for use in creative visualisation.
If you have a vision block and trouble clearly seeing what you want or need,
hold picture jasper in your left hand and contemplate it's surface.
For example, if it's travel that you want, imagine it's swirling surface as a map
of all the places you would like to go. Tread every path and build upon the picture
you already visualise. Imagine the face of a person you would like to see and speak
to them from the heart. See your essence engraved upon the surface of the
stone and imagine yourself doing whatever you like to do. Needless to say,
picture jasper will assist you in meditation for solving problems and
deeper thinking.

Yellow Jasper

The deep, golden yellows of this stone
resonate closely with the solar plexus. Use yellow jasper for easing feelings
of powerlessness and emotional blocks at this chakra. Eases the pain of ulcers
and indigestion (when something is eating away at you). Calme and soothes a
nervous stomach. Enhances the whole of the digestive system.
A powerful physical healer.

Chakra: Solar Plexus.

Red Jasper

Soothes menstrual pain and helps clear
pre-menstrual tension. For men, it is an excellent healer for prostate problems.
A good grounding stone. Beneficial to the reproductive organs,
blood system and bladder.

Chakra: Base/Root.

Green Jasper

Very quickly helps to open the heart chakra
and blocked energies, enabling you to express yourself more effectively.
Use in combination with a throat stone such as turquoise or celestite, for assisting
in expressing the heart's desire. An excellent stone for healing the heart,
lungs and upper digestive organs.

Chakra: Heart.

Rainbow Jasper

Combines the energies of red and yellow jasper,
with an added bonus of aligning and clearing all of the lower chakras.

Chakra: Root, Navel and Solar Plexus.

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