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A variety of spodumene. Pink, green, pale yellow
and clear crystals are found. Green kunzite is also known as hiddenite.

Chakra: According to colour of the stone.


Kunzite is beneficial to people with addictive behavours. It strengthens
the cardivascular system and aids manic depression. Generally a good
balancer on all levels. Enhances self-esteem, tolerance and acceptance.
Soothing and calming. Expresses emotional equilibrium; enables the inner
dimensions of the heart to be experienced. A powerful personal meditation stone.
Kunzite helps to balance negative emotional states. It assists you to
attain a deep meditative state.

Pink Kunzite

Accelerates your creative potential and the
desire to express that potential. Increases enthusiasm and zest for life.
Helps speed up spiritual growth.

Chakra: Heart.

Clear Kunzite

More active than pink kunzite and more focused
on understanding creativity in the spiritual realm. Ask it about timing pursuit
of your activities.

Chakra: Third Eye.

Green Kunzite (Hiddenite)

Stimulates the intellectual and promotes insight
and understanding. Connects us to other worlds.

Chakra: Heart.


Translucent blue or blue-green aluminium silicate.
A metamorphic rock. Colour is often in irregular streaks.

Chakra: Crown, Third Eye, Throat.


Kyanite strengthens the throat chakra.
The life-force energy of kyanite can open the way for spiritual healing.
It facilitates astral/interdimensional travel; enhances creative expression.
Opens the third eye, and is particualrly useful on this chakra during meditation,
especially if you are having difficulty in relaxing and clearing the mind.
Transforms negative thought patterns. Opens up the crown chakra to assist in
contacting your Higher Self. Good for dream recall and enhancing sleep.
Kyanite also helps you understand your dreams. Promotes clarity and
understanding. Calming and tranquillising.

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