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lapis lazuli


An opaque, grey stone that shimmers
with blue and green iridescence. A member of the feldspar family. It is found
in the Malagasy Republic as a labradorite-moonstone, clear with brillant blue
highlights. Also known as Spectrolite.

Chakra: Third Eye and Crown in particular,
but can be worn anywhere on the body with equally good effect.


Labrodorite will answer your questions about your spiritual purpose.
Use it for accessing the Akashic Records. It accelerates telepathic abilities
and assists communication with your Higher Self. Helps balance and stabalise
the movement of the Kundalini. An excellent meditative stone.

In ancient Scandinavia, labradorite was used as an oracle by the indigenous
peoples, and it can be beneficially used in a similar fashion in this age. This stone
will connect you to the elements - wearing it in the sea, for example, will enhance
your connection to water energies. Labradorite will benefit the nerves,
brain, pineal and pituitary glands and lymphatic system.


Deep (royal) blue with spots of white and/or gold.
The white flecks are often calcite, the gold are tiny spots of pyrite.

Chakra: Third Eye.

Lapis Lazuli

One of the power stones of the ages.
Lapis Lazuli serves as both a mental and spiritual cleanser. It strengthens the
skeletal system. Activates the thyroid gland. Releases tension and anxiety.
Enhances strength and vitality. Facilitates the opening of chakras.
Assists creative expression.

Lapis Lazuli helps you look at things you have been avoiding,
and can help you become aware of reasons why you are ill. Excellent for past-life work.
Connects the physical to the astral plane and promotes spiritual growth and
psychic ability. Expands awareness and enhances the ability to take in more
of what is going on around you. Eases depression. Balances male and
female energies.


Gem-quality blue pectolite.
It's beautiful blue comes from traces of copper.

Chakra: Throat.


Larimar is useful as a confidence builder,
especially when spiritual changes are taking place. It helps you move out of
conventional ways of thinking. Excellent for brainstorming. Assists in using
power and knowledge wisely, praticularly in spiritual matters. Helps lighten depression.
Imparts calmness serenity and purity Beneficial to the spleen, thyroid,
lymphatic system, muscles and nerves. Brings in the feminine energies of the blue ray
and imparts the Goddess energies.


Appears in the form of masses, mica-like layers
and tabular crystals. Often found with spears of pink tourmaline.

Chakra: Heart.


Because of it's high lithium content,
lepidolite is excellent for those with addictive behaviours, manic depression
and chronic depression. It alleviates stress, anger and internalised self-hatred.
It promotes a smooth transition when you need to make changes in your life.
Opens the heart to promote self-love and love of others. Calming and soothing.
Relieves stress and tension in the physical environment. Excellent for use in
classrooms and workplaces.

LODESTONE (Magnetite)

A metallic, black iron oxide.
Its distinguishing feature is its magnetic property.

Chakra: All, but especially the Root.


Lodestone helps draw out and alleviate illness
and pain from the physical body. It assists in the release of emotional trauma.
Increases resistance to stress and disease. gently but firmly propels you towards
change. If you are reluctant and fearful of leaving behind old ways, lodestone
eases these fears and helps you grow. Gives protection when you are around people,
or in a place which imparts feelings of depression or agitation.
It's energy is clearing and building

When you are using lodestone in body layouts, it is best to place it
next to the body, rather than directly on the chakras, to avoid the body absorbing
too much of it's energies which can be toxic if overused. Likewise, when handling
lodestone, hold it in a tissue.

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