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Obsidian is a natural volcanic glass,
most often found in black or snowflake (black with white inclusions which look like
snowflakes). Also found in varieties of green, aqua-blue and mahogany.

Chakra: According to the colour of the stone.

Black (Apache Tears)

One of the most important teachers of the New Age stones.
Influences the stomach and intestines. Connects mind and emotions.
Grounds spiritual energy. Helps clear subconscious blocks.
Powerful healer for those attuned with it.
Black obsidian offers a doorway to your inner depths.
It is powerful and intense but very nurturing. Only use it when you
are educated about it's powers and prepared to process the changes that the
stone will put you through.
When using black obsidian in healing, it is a good idea to have a clear quartz in close proximity as it will polarise the intensity of black obsidian and help dissolve and neutralise any physical or emotional debris that surfaces. Helps in eliminating toxins from the body.

Chakra: Root/Base.

Snowflake Obsidian

A lighter approach to exploring your inner depths.
The black and white colour communicates the balance of polarities:
dark-light, male-female, yin-yan.

Chakra: Root/Base.

Green Obsidian

Also known as Mount St Helen stone.
Green obsidian resonates most clearly with the heart chakra. It is a much less
demanding stone than black obsidian and is particularly useful in personal
meditation for exploring the inner self.

Chakra: Heart Chakra.

Mahogany Obsidian

Provides continuity in energy flow.
Helps release anger and activates a positive sense of power.

Chakra: Root/Base and Solar Plexus.


A variety of chalcedony.

Chakra: According to the colour of the stone.


Onyx is generally a good stone to use
as an emotional balancer and to relieve stress and tension. It assists in
creativity and inspiration. Strengthens bone marrow.


A member of the quartz family.
Colours can be white, grey or black background, with flashes of
blue, green, orange, red and yellow.

Chakra: Third Eye and Crown but can be used on others.


Opal will work well with the emotional,
mental, spiritual and etheric bodies. Its focus is to clear and build.
It can provide you with a much needed burst of energy, especially when you are
lacking self-confidence. Excellent for enhancing creativity and intuition,
releasing anger and enhancing feelings of self-worth. Helps connect you to
your Higher Self.

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