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The stones discussed here are the
doubly-terminated red quartz crystals from Valencia in Spain, however the
properties also apply to other red quartz crystals.

Chakra: Base/Root

Red Quartz

Red quartz cuts through negativity like a
sharp knife. It dispels pessimism and generally helps build a happy,
joyous and positive attitude towards life.
Helps you enjoy life as it is. Dissipates greed, jealousy and envy and
helps you to be satisfied with what you have. Very good grounding qualities.
Red quartz helps to align the chakras from the base chakra up,
and will help ground light and healing energy into the physical body.
A very under-estimated crystal.


Rose red, pink with white stripes.

Chakra: Heart.


Beneficial to the spleen, kidneys, heart, pituitary
gland and circulatory system. Emotional balancer.
Use rhodochrosite when healing emotional wounds and soothing trauma.
An excellent companion to rose quartz and pink kunzite at the heart chakra.
Resonates with the subtle bodies. A very powerful healing stone.


Red or pink with black inclusions of manganese oxide.

Chakra: Heart.


A very calming and soothing stone.
Beneficial to the nervous system, thyroid, pituitary gland and pancreas.
Rhodonite can be used for improving your reflexes. It strengthens
immunity and memory. Good to use for both physical and emotional trauma.
Builds confidence and self-esteem. Increases energy levels.
Meditate with rhodonite when you feel you need time out from a hectic and stressful life.


A pink variety of quartz, rarely found
in crystal form, it is usually found as rocks. It's colour ranges from
milky, pale pink to a deep, lavender pink.

Chakra: Heart.

Rose Quartz

Dynamic intensity and healing power.
A healer for internal wounds. Aids the kidneys and circulatory system.
Increases fertility. Helps clear stored anger, resentment, guilt, fear and jealousy.
Reduces stress and tension, cools tempers. Enhances self-confidence
and creativity.
Rose quartz promotes love, forgiveness and compassion.
It is often called the 'love stone'. When healing with or wearing rose quartz,
be prepared for emotional releases and the surfacing of suppressed memories
and feelings.


Varying red colours; a member of the corundum group.
Found in hexagonal crystals or discs, sometimes rhomboidal.

Chakra: Base/Root and Heart.


Rudy is excellent for revitalising the bloodstream,
circulatory system, and generally for balancing the body's operations.
Strengthens immunity. Imparts a sense of strength when dealing with difficult
situations, and enhances your belief in yourself. Energising, particularly
when you are feeling sluggish or drained.


Quartz crystal with inclusions of the
mineral rutile, which looks like fine neeedles of silver or gold colour.

Chakra: All.

Rutilated Quartz

Assists regeneration of tissue.
Enhances the life force. Strengthens the immune system. Eases depression,
facilitates inspiration. Enhances communication with the Higher Self.
Rutilated quartz is a very powerful healer. It will move healing energy quicker
along the physical chakras than clear quartz, and will enhance the healing energies
of all other stones. When you are feeling negative, use rutilated quartz
to enhance your belief in yourself

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