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Various shades of blue, but also colourless,
pink, yellow, green, purple and black. Blackjacks are sapphires that have
become too dark to use as gemstones in jewellry.

Chakra: According to colour of the stone

Blue Sapphire

Blue sapphire assists the entire glandular system
as well as the heart and kidneys. It enhances psychic abilities and assists in bringing
clartity to scattered thoughts and ideas. Use sapphire to connect to your spirit
guides and teachers, and for interdimensional communication. Connects body, mind
and spirit and assists in connecting to your Higher Self. An intensely spiritual stone.
Enhances creativity.

Chakra: Throat or Third Eye chakra -
use the lighter ones for the Throat and the darker ones for the Third Eye


A good partner with blue sapphire
during meditation to keep you grounded while contacting guides and extra-terrestrials.
Assists in pulling the spirit back to the body when astral travelling.
Highly energised, happy and joyful stones.

Chakra: Base/Root Chakra - use blackjacks for grounding.


A variety of gypsum. Occurs in long,
striated, translucent wands, yellowish clusters, shining white clusters
that resemble fishtails, and rose-like clusters (desert rose).

Chakra: All, but particularly the Crown.


Selenite assists in grounding white light
into the physical body. It can be used for cleansing and clearing auras,
clearing negative energies from objects, people and rooms, and for cleansing
other crystals. Strong protective qualities. An excellent meditation stone
in all its forms. Aids concentration and clarity.


Light blue, light green, yellowish, pink and lavender.
Often looks like bubbles on matrix rock.

Chakra: According to the colour of the stone.


A stone to assist in remembering and understanding
dreams. Softens the emotions. Promotes spiritual growth and understanding.
Brings tranquility to stressful situations; soothing and calming.
Smithsonite assists in physical healing, particularly of flesh wounds.
Beneficial to the sexual organs, reproductive system,
metabolism and bloodstream.


A variety of quartz crystal.
It's colour ranges from deep black through browns and yellowy browns.
Be careful of some very dark or black smoky quartz crystals as they have often
been irradiated and their energies have died.

Chakra: Root/Base.

Smoky Quartz

The energy of smoky quartz will initiate movement
of the primal forces of the body. It strengthens the adrenals, kidneys
and pancreas. Increases fertitlity and balances sexual energy.
Aids depression. Mildly sedative and relaxing. Grounding and centering.
Excellent for meditation. Enhances dream awareness. A good stone to use for
people who manifest suicidal feelings, depression,
fatique or feel spaced out.

Morello Smoky Quartz (Victoria, Australia)

These small smoky quartz crystals have a
shape similar to Herkimer Diamonds and, indeed, could be known as
Australian Herkimers.
A Morello smoky crystal can be used to help remember and interpret dreams.
Also good for concentration because of it's grounding qualities; it prevents you
from being too flighty and losing yourself in daydreams, especially when bored.
Helps stimulate the intellect and converts gut feelings into clear thoughts.
An active healer, Morello smoky will assist on the physical and emotional as
well as mental levels.
Morello smoky quartz helps with the feet - sprains, cuts and bruises -
which prevent you from walking in the physical sense. At the same time, problems
with the feet indicate a block on some other level, manifested in the physical.
Morello smoky quartz crystals have been under-estimated. As well as their own
particular qualities, they also encompass the general qualities of smoky quartz.


A bright blue stone, often
crisscrossed with white and grey lines.

Chakra: Throat, Third Eye.


Sodalite aids the pancreas and strenghthens metabolism.
Alleviates fear. Calms and clears the mind. Slightly sedative, grounding,
brings clarity, enhances communication and creative expression.
It healps clear old mental patterns from the subconscious to make way for
conscious thinkning. The white lines and flecks symbolise the spiritual light
that comes with a balanced mind.

STAUROLITE (Fairy Cross)

An orthorhombic crystal which is most often found as crystal twins forming a cross.

Chakra: Base/Root.


Grouding, linking you to Mother Earth.
Creates a bond between humans and the natural environment, and is therefore good
to use with epidote. The cross formation signifies the meeting of spirit and
matter, death and rebirth, and so it is with our leaving our past behind
as we move on to our spiritual destiny. It will help heal the break between
our past and future lifestyles.
Staurolite shows that the transition from darkness into light is
easier than we think. It encourages a less materially-based existence.
Helps manifest that which is needed to make our physical lives comfortable
and assists in rejecting that which does not benefit us spiritually.
At those points where our spiritual life must meet with our material existence,
staurolite smoothes over the cracks and aligns all levels of our Being
so we can feel more comfortable in our Selves.


A rare, pink quartz which occurs naturally
as part of a total crystal, but sometimes with terminations.

Chakra: Heart.

Strawberry Quartz

A link between the physical and subtle bodies.
Excellent for past-life recall and contacting the 'source' or 'spirit'.
A very strong healing energy vibrates through this stone - stronger than rose quartz.
It is said that strawberry quartz was used in Atlantis and Lemuria in healing
ceremonies and to stimulate recall of the 'beginning'; it was held
by the high council, those being the most spiritually developed of the realm.
This is not a beginner's stone, but will accelerate the development of
those already on their spiritual path. Also good to ease tension in
relationships, particularly when one party chooses not to understand the
growth or changes in the other.


A purple stone.
Also known as luvulite or royal azel .

Chakra: Third Eye, Crown.


This stone has only surfaced in the last decade.
It's purple ray represents the link between the mind and the physical body.
Enhances pituitary and adrenal glands. Strengthens the heart.
Aids physical healing and purification. Emotional balancer, reduces stress.
Excellent for meditation. One of the best stones to be used by
sensitive and open people.


Crystalline or massive in formation in
bright yellow, honey-yellow, brown-yellow, light green or red-yellow.
The crystals discussed here are bright yellow clusters.

Chakra: Solar Plexus.


Sulphur enhances your ability to stay focused
without stray thoughts distracting and intervening. It is excellent
for use in study and other endeavours where concentration must be at it's optimum.
Dispels negative energies. Utilise sulphur as a companion in process work,
particularly in releasing old patterns. Do not wash sulphur to cleanse,
smudge it with sage or sandalwood.


A member of the feldspar family.
Also known as aventurine feldspar. An orange-brown stone with a
metallic glitter.

Chakra: Navel.


Sunstone helps you move forward when you are
feeling blocked on life's path. It encourages exploration of your possibilities
in life. Removes the feeling of being limited in potential.
Primarily used for spiritual expansion.

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