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March 21 to April 19

Ruler ~ Mars
Element ~ Fire
Quality ~ Cardinal

Aries is the first sign of the occidental zodiac.

Aries have the following characteristics;

Courage          Affability
Drive          Talent
Heartiness          Enterprise

Aries sins may include;

Naivete          Excess
Ostentation          Sanctimony
Willfulness          Domination


Ardent Lovers

Arians have a heedless attitude to love and are not content with half measures.
They are true optimists, refusing to accept defeat, and frequently rush in without
thinking when they have found true love. They are sentimental and impulsive,
sometimes to the extent of being foolhardy.

As the first sign of the zodiac, Arians cannot help putting themselves
first, although they are very affectionate and generous towards their loved ones.
They have warm and enthusiastic natures and can be very demonstrative.

Gregarious, sociable and extrovert, Arians are great people to have around as
they are usually the life and soul of any party, thanks to their bouncy,
enthusiastic natures. Sometimes, however, the Arian face becomes creased with
frowns when he or she is crossed in love.


This usually occurs when they have been let down in love, which is something
they take very seriously. Despite their cheery exterior, Arians are very
soft-hearted and vulnerable.

They often fall in love at first sight and instantly put their partner
on a pedestal. This is when the trouble begins. Unlesss the couple are
able to talk through differences, the Arian will be disappointed on discovering
that his or her partner is only human after all.

The idea of being faithful to one person forever appeals to the Arian's
strong sense of romance, but if things begin to turn sour, he or she may prefer
to stray elsewhere in search of more excitement, attention and love.


If you would like further information on your actual day of birth,
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