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21st March - 20th April


The symbol for Aries is the Ram, being in nature self willed and assertive.
The Ram is spontaneous, instinctive and given to impulsive actions. A natural born
leader Aries has great enthusiasm to be first setting out in all endeavours.


Aries is the first fire sign of the zodiac and fire is stimulating, lively and energetic.
Mars is the ruler of Aries and represents the warrior who is passionate, impulsive
and loves a challenge. Enterprising and ambitious Aries act spontaneously
and can seem headstrong and hasty to slower moving types. They aren't easily
discouraged if something doesn't go their way they quickly come up with a better
alternative. Aries make bright lively loyal friends who don't usually hold a grudge
and their positive outlook is very uplifting. Aries is self confident and enthusiastic,
dynamic and quick witted but must remember others don't enjoy being pushed,
so direct your enthusiasm carefully.


Aries thrive on challenge and do best in careers that require quick decisive
action. You are naturally ambitious and fond of leadership and can become unhappy
in subordinate positions especially if there isn't room for promotion. Strongly
enterprising Aries make excellent management material, as directing others is easy
for you. Any job that makes use of your drive and energy is great for you, such as
Sporting careers, Dentistry, Firefighters, Mechanics, Police officers, Surgeons,
Sales and Construction workers. Quite often jobs that involve some level of risk and
gets the adrenalin going such as racing cars may seem exciting to you. Aries have a
good head for business and feel most fulfilled when they are putting their energy into
a successful career. Aries are happy to encourage others to succeed and will
offer supportive advice. Careers that are too restrictive and lack challenge may
become boring.


Aries tend to fall in love quickly and are very ardent lovers. Spontaneous and
romantic you enjoy flowers and candle lit dinners. Aries are warm and lively and
enjoy outgoing partners to share their excitement. Being extremely passionate
you need a fulfilling relationship and a partner who enjoys a spontaneous good
time. Whilst you can be demanding and a little selfish your natural warmth and optimism
attracts the opposite sex to you. A good sex life is an important part of your
relationship and sometimes a good argument clears the air.

Health and Vitality

Aries usually bounce back rather quickly from illness as you have a strong constitution.
Impatience and a quick temper can lead to headaches so relaxation and meditation
techniques can be useful. Cuts, burns and accidents can be caused by impulsive
actions, look before you leap. You can also suffer inflammatory complaints
such as arthritis. Walking, reading and all types of exercise that burn off your
excess energy are helpful and they keep you trim at the same time.


Colours:    Red
Gemstone:    Diamond
Part of the Body:    Head and Brain
Susceptibility:&nbps;   Insomnia, Migraine, High blood pressure,
Acne and Injuries due to accidents
Tissue Salt:    Kali Phos, Nat Phos
Relationship Affinities:    Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini and Scorpio
Relationship Challenges:    Cancer, Libra and Capricorn

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