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June 21 to July 22

Ruler ~ Moon
Element ~ Water
Quality ~ Cardinal

Cancer is the fourth sign of the occidental zodiac.

Cancerians have the following characteristics;

Imagination          Affection
Insight          Caring
Tenacity          Caution

Cancerian sins may include;

Avarice          Possessiveness
Irritability          Moodiness
Despondency          Hypersensitivity


Devoted Lover

The Cancerian heart is filled with emotions but they will only
expose them very gradually. Faithful and loyal, Cancerians think carefully
before committing themselves to anyone, lest their emotional security is threatened
and their trust broken.

Emotions play a very important role in the lives of Cancerians.
Although naturally defensive and afraid of being hurt, they put their hearts
and souls into relationships and are faithful, loving and loyal partners.


Cancerians crave the security of being near the one they love.
Soft-hearted and also highly emotional, Cancerian feelings are never far
from the surface, particularly when it comes to romance.

There are no half measures when Cancerians fall in love, they really do
fall hook, line and sinker. Because of their need for permanent partnerships,
Cancerians are not at all interested in light-hearted flirtations. Without some
love in their lives, Cancerian feel unfulfilled and unhappy.


Cancerians are very faithful indeed, and they expect the same
loyality in return. They lavish much love and affection on their partners, but
they can sometimes be so caring that they become overprotective and very possessive.
Indeed, their loved ones can sometimes feel as though they are being suffocated,
to the extent that they have no life of their own. they often find it very hard
to say goodbye at the end of a relationship, and sometimes choose to suffer the
consequences of painful meetings rather than let go.


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