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1910, 1922, 1934, 1946,
1958, 1970, 1982, 1994,
2006, 2018, 2030, 2042,
2054, 2066, 2078, 2090.

Dog is Yin.

Dog is the eleventh sign of the Chinese Horoscope.

Dogs have the following characteristics;

Constancy          Duty
Heroism          Intelligence
Respectability          Morality

Dog sins may include;

Uneasiness          Cynicism
Criticism          Unsociability
Self-righteousness          Tactlessness

Most dog people are cheerful and forthright, direct and honest,
and, above all, loyal. They have a sense of justice and fair play, and like
helping others. Always alert, Dog people are normally good at assessing the
situation, yet when things go wrong, they are also prone to worrying. They are
particularly good at rounding up problems and finding logical solutions to them.
Good at conversation, Dog people make good companions and trustworthy friends,
but when hurt when gnaw away at their grievances until they feel appeased.
Even so, many Dogs will not forget in a hurry. Normally sensible, level-headed
and reliable in a crisis, Dog people can sometimes flare up into a temper,
which is usually soon forgotten. A loving, stable relationship is an essential
component in the lives of dogs. Once they have found their mate, they remain
faithful for life.

2001 (Year of the Snake) FOR THE DOG

After the turmoil of last year, Dogs will find this a much more
favourable period and one that offers plenty of opportunities to stabilize their
position. There will be success at work and the Dog's efforts will be recognized, but
spending time at home with family and loved ones will bring deep contentment.

YEAR TREND: Satisfying.

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