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The Chinese believe that the events of the years
are affected by cosmic influences in a cyclical 12-year pattern, which the
ancient astrologers discovered was linked to Jupiter's orbit around the Sun. Over
time, it was observed that people born in each particular year were similarly affected
by these influences, and moreover, that people born in the same year shared
characteristics and personality traits that were significantly different to those
people born in other years. When the years of the twelve-year cycle were given their
names, it was no accident, then, that the ancient sages chose the Animals they did
to symboloze the years, for each was judged to embody most aptly the collective
characteristics associated with the year it represented.

By understanding the Animal governing our year of birth we can gain powerful
insights into our own personalities, our talents and abilities, our likes and
dislikes, our relationships and preferred way of life. But in getting to know our
"Animal nature" we must bear in mind that the Chinese have a very different attitude
from ours to many of these animals. In our journey through the Chinese horoscopes,
we must remember, therefore, not to judge the Animals with our Western preconceptions,
but to learn their true significance as seen through Oriental eyes.


After the dramas of the Year of the Dragon, Snake Years
come as watershed periods, restoring order and bringing comparative peace. In these
years we can quietly draw breath and slowly reassess our situation. It would be
wise not to take anything on trust, however. Duplicity is in the air and it is
advisable to read the small print carefully. Treachery, political machinations, and
conspiracy will be rife, and international affairs are likely to be peppered with
shady dealings. As the Snake is a symbol of fertility, issues of conception and
morality will be aired and headlines will reveal sex scandals in high places.
Snake years herald an economic upturn and money markets, the arts, and communications
will be buoyant. The fashion-conscious will favour sophistication.


The discoveries, inventions, and styles of Snake years are linked to
the Snake's deep wisdom and almost extra-sensory perspicacity, and sinuous style;
      * IQ Tests      * Rings of Uranus discovered      * The Oscar awards      * Chanel fashions      * DNA discovered      * Advances in Psychology

1936 ~ January 24th 1936 - February 10th 1937 RAT

1937 ~ February 11th 1937 - January 30th 1938 ~ OX

1938 ~ January 31st 1938 - February 18th 1939 ~ TIGER

1939 ~ February 19th 1939 - February 7th 1940 ~ RABBIT

1940 ~ February 8th 1940 - January 26th 1941 ~ DRAGON

1941 ~ January 27th 1941 - February 14th 1942 ~ SNAKE

1942 ~ February 15th 1942 - February 4th 1943 ~ HORSE

1943 ~ February 5th 1943 - January 24th 1944 ~ GOAT

1944 ~ January 25th 1944 - February 12th 1945 ~ MONKEY

1945 ~ February 13th 1945 - February 1st 1946 ~ ROOSTER

1946 ~ February 2nd 1946 - January 21st 1947 ~ DOG

1947 ~ January 22nd 1947 - February 9th 1948 ~ PIG

1948 ~ February 10th 1948 - January 28th 1949 ~ RAT

1949 ~ January 29th 1949 - February 16th 1950 ~ OX

1950 ~ February 17th 1950 - February 5th 1951 ~ TIGER

1951 ~ February 6th 1951 - January 26th 1952 ~ RABBIT

1952 ~ January 27th 1952 - February 13th 1953 ~ DRAGON

1953 ~ February 14th 1953 - February 2nd 1954 ~ SNAKE

1954 ~ February 3rd 1954 - January 23rd 1955 ~ HORSE

1955 ~ January 24th 1955 - February 11th 1956 ~ GOAT

1956 ~ February 12th 1956 - January 30th 1957 ~ MONKEY

1957 ~ January 31st 1957 - February 17th 1958 ~ ROOSTER

1958 ~ February 18th 1958 - February 7th 1959 ~ DOG

1959 ~ February 8th 1959 - January 27th 1960 ~ PIG

1960 ~ January 28th 1960 - February 14th 1961 ~ RAT

1961 ~ February 15th 1961 - February 4th 1962 ~ OX

1962 ~ February 5th 1962 - January 24th 1963 ~ TIGER

1963 ~ January 25th 1963 - February 12th 1964 ~ RABBIT

1964 ~ February 13th 1964 - February 1st 1965 ~ DRAGON

1965 ~ February 2nd 1965 - January 20th 1966 ~ SNAKE

1966 ~ January 21st 1966 - February 8th 1967 ~ HORSE

1967 ~ February 9th 1967 - January 29th 1968 ~ GOAT

1968 ~ January 30th 1968 - February 16th 1969 ~ MONKEY

1969 ~ February 17th 1969 - February 5th 1970 ~ ROOSTER

1970 ~ February 6th 1970 - January 26th 1971 ~ DOG

1971 ~ January 27th 1971 - February 14th 1972 ~ PIG

1972 ~ February 15th 1972 - February 2nd 1973 ~ RAT

1973 ~ February 3rd 1973 - January 22nd 1974 ~ OX

1974 ~ January 23rd 1974 - February 10th 1975 ~ TIGER

1975 ~ February 11th 1975 - January 30th 1976 ~ RABBIT

1976 ~ January 31st 1976 - February 17th 1977 ~ DRAGON

1977 ~ February 18th 1977 - February 6th 1978 ~ SNAKE

1978 ~ February 7th 1978 - January 27th 1979 ~ HORSE

1979 ~ January 28th 1979 - February 15th 1980 ~ GOAT

1980 ~ February 16th 1980 - February 4th 1981 ~ MONKEY

1981 ~ February 5th 1981 - January 24th 1982 ~ ROOSTER

1982 ~ January 25th 1982 - February 12th 1983 ~ DOG

1983 ~ February 13th 1983 - February 1st 1984 ~ PIG

1984 ~ February 2nd 1984 - February 19th 1985 ~ RAT

1985 ~ February 20th 1985 - February 8th 1986 ~ OX

1986 ~ February 9th 1986 - January 28th 1987 ~ TIGER

1987 ~ January 29th 1987 - February 16th 1988 ~ RABBIT

1988 ~ February 17th 1988 - February 5th 1989 ~ DRAGON

1989 ~ February 6th 1989 - January 26th 1990 ~ SNAKE

1990 ~ January 27th 1990 - February 14th 1991 ~ HORSE

1991 ~ February 15th 1991 - February 3rd 1992 ~ GOAT

1992 ~ February 4th 1992 - January 22nd 1993 ~ MONKEY

1993 ~ January 23rd 1993 - February 9th 1994 ~ ROOSTER

1994 ~ February 10th 1994 - January 30th 1995 ~ DOG

1995 ~ January 31st 1995 - February 18th 1996 ~ PIG

1996 ~ February 19th 1996 - February 7th 1997 ~ RAT

1997 ~ February 8th 1997 - January 27th 1998 ~ OX

1998 ~ January 28th 1998 - February 5th 1999 ~ TIGER

1999 ~ February 6th 1999 - February 4th 2000 ~ RABBIT

2000 ~ February 5th 2000 - January 23rd 2001 ~ DRAGON

2001 ~ January 24th 2001 - February 11th 2002 ~ SNAKE

2002 ~ February 12th 2002 - January 31st 2003 ~ HORSE

2003 ~ February 1st 2003 - January 21st 2004 ~ GOAT

2004 ~ January 22nd 2004 - February 8th 2005 ~ MONKEY

2005 ~ February 9th 2005 - January 28th 2006 ~ ROOSTER

2006 ~ January 29th 2006 - February 17th 2007 ~ DOG

2007 ~ February 18th 2007 - February 6th 2008 ~ PIG



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