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1904, 1916, 1928, 1940,
1952, 1964, 1976, 1988,
2000, 2012, 2024, 2036,
2048, 2060, 2072, 2084.

Dragon is Yang.

Dragon is the fifth sign of the Chinese Horoscope.

Dragons have the following characteristics;

Strength          Enthusiasm
Success          Pluck
Good Health          Sentimentality

Dragon sins may include;

Rigidity          Infatuation
Mistrust          Braggadocio
Dissatisfaction          Volubility

Dragons are exception creatures, but they can be proud,
over-assertive, and intolerant of other people. Whether breathing fire or
generally causing a stir, the Dragon person often attracts, and enjoys, attention,
and is also more at home in demanding situations that require assertive
action than in routine, everyday business. Dragon folk are self-reliant and can
throw a lot of energy into dealing with the demands of the moment - to the point
where they can get carried away and make misjudgements through impulsiveness,
tiredness, or lack of consultation. From partners they get as much stimulation
through empathy as they do from sex. Consequently, a companion on the same
wave-length is essential to the Dragon.

2001 (Year of the Snake) FOR THE DRAGON

Friends and associates will hear the Dragon say, "I told you so!"
repeatedly this year, and Dragons will be rubbing their hands with glee as their
chickens come home to roost. Dragon people will rake in the profits of past
endeavours, but their lovers will feel ignored.

YEAR TREND: Show loved ones you care.

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