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                        Dream 1             

This dream was submitted by "Demongirl". She is a huge Kiss fan and this dream
stopped her from ending her life. A very good example of how the 'higher powers' can work.

This event originally occurred in early 1979, but I had forgotten it until today.
I’m not exactly sure what caused me to remember it, but I must have buried
it so far in the back of my mind that I had forgotten it until now.
Call it a dream, call it a vision, now for some reason I remember it, and I want
to get it down before I forget it again. This was from many years ago, back when
I was still in my teen years and still in high school. I deeply dislike remembering
those years, but they still come back to haunt me from time to time. I was eighteen
years old, in my last year of high school. I was very depressed, because I had put
in a lot of hard work to look the way I wanted to be, and I had to admit to myself that
I looked good, but what good did it do me? ZIP. I was a KISS fan. So what?
Each to their own. Everybody else was dating, having a good time, but my weekends
were spent alone. No one else seemed to know I was alive. In a word, I was dying of
loneliness. Walking home from school one day, I wondered if it was really all worth it.
I had decided that I wanted OUT-permanently. Reaching my door, I walked into my empty house,
and wondered how I could put an end to it all. After a day from hell at school,
I was extremely tired. Sighing, I decided to play some KISS music in the hopes that
it might just cheer me up. I had an extensive collection of their albums and went
through many of them, and many songs. Listening to my favorites, almost an hour
had passed, and I was having trouble staying awake. I was so tired. I put on
Paul Stanley’s solo album. Listening to it from the beginning, I laid my head back
in the chair I was sitting in as Paul’s beautiful voice did the song “Tonight
you belong to me.” I’m not sure when it happened, but I must have slipped into
a light sleep at about this point, because I found myself standing alone, and I had
no clue as to where I was. It was impossible to tell where reality ended and illusion
began, and where I was wasn’t helping me any. It seemed such a sad and lonely place,
and it was so cold. I craved nothing more than death at that moment. Oblivion
would have been welcome. I had never been on a real date at that point-in my late
teens and still yet to taste real love for the first time-hell, what did I have to live for?
I felt my strength draining rapidly. I was letting my life-force slip away….

Hearing a sound next to me, I look up. I see the four members of KISS, Gene Simmons,
Paul Stanley, Ace Frehley and Peter Criss come up to me. Forming a loose circle around me,
they were all talking at once, only adding to my confusion. Lost as I was in the
depths of sadness, I couldn’t make sense of what they were saying. From what little
was getting through, they were begging me not to go, not to slip away. Paul takes my
chin in his hand and raises my head to look into my eyes. His starred right eye
glowed as he tapped the power of his talisman to see into my soul. He said in a very
alarmed tone, “She’s retreated so far that even I can’t touch her-she’s DYING guys….”
Extreme sadness lined his words. Heartstruck, Peter chimes in, “Damn, she reminds me
of my daughter-let me try something.”

Being the eldest of the group, Peter took the fatherly role. He wraps one arm around
me and with the other, gently lays my head on his chest, stroking my hair.
Feeling my skin he says, “Oh man, she’s half-frozen!” Tapping his powers, he raises
his body temperature several degrees above normal, creating a bubble of warmth
around me. Resting his cheek on top of my head, he murmurs to me in low tones,
as if I were his own. He had placed my head on his chest for a reason-hearing the
steady beating of his heart transferred some of the primal life-energy that he ruled
to me, and it was the only thing at that point that kept me from slipping into the void.
He literally was supporting the flickering, dying spark of my life with his own.
“Come on Karen,” he kisses softly into my hair, “This isn’t worth it baby….”
Linking hands, Gene and Ace combine their power together, Gene touching my head,
Ace my shoulder. Producing a dream within a dream, they showed me what would happen
if I died. It wasn’t a very pretty picture. Looking back in retrospect,
they pulled an “It’s a wonderful life” stunt, but Peter shoots them a look of disgust.
Slowly, the boys started to pierce through the wall of my agony, and I started to hear
them pleading with me not to die. “ I hurt so BAD inside daddy….” I choke out against
Peter’s chest, then begin to cry uncontrollably. Peter only tightens his
grip, rocking me gently as wracking sobs shake my body. “Hey, c’mon, stop, stop….”
he whispers. Paul draws upon his powers once again and he says, “She’s stronger, guys,
I think we’re bringing her around….maybe I can reach her now….” Looking at his bandmates
he says, “I’ve never felt such heartache and sadness in my life-she’s been unloved
for way too long….” his voice breaks. Finally hearing what they were saying, Paul once
again looks me in the eyes. His power to maximum, he says to me, “Karen, listen to me
-look at me. I know that it’s hard for you to believe right now, but there is love out
there for you. I love you, very much.” Gently taking me from Peter’s grasp,
Paul embraces me, then takes my head in both his hands, making me look into his eyes.
His starred eye glowed an intense purple, and soft hands caressed my tear-streaked face.
“Shh - quiet now. No more tears, no more pain. You know - you’ll rob somebody,
and ME, of the chance to love you if you die. What good would that do? Come on now,
you’re way too young - and too pretty for this. I can’t stand to see you cry any more.
Please don’t cry anymore….”

With their coaxing, my tears finally subsided. Gazing into his worried eyes,
I felt Paul’s powers touch my soul, and the horrid veil of pain, loneliness and sadness
began to lift. “I guess I have some work to do.” Paul commented to the others.
“Good luck dude, DON’T let her go….” Gene rumbles. Peter, Gene and Ace take their
leave, dissapearing into the mists, but Paul stays with me. Holding my hand, Paul
very gently touches my eyes to close them. He then gives my hand a slight squeeze.
I reopen my eyes, and looking around, saw that we were in a huge, beautifully decorated
bedroom. “Welcome to my place.” Paul says. “Yes, this is where I live-my home.”
For some reason, I felt that a great weight had been lifted from me. He helps me to a
chair and I was glad to sit. “I’ll be right back.” Making his way to the kitchen,
Paul sets out one blue-stemmed, and one red-stemmed wineglass. Opening a bottle of
strong wine, he fills the blue-stemmed glass. He then takes a tiny vial and puts
four drops into it. Opening a second bottle, he fills the red-stemmed glass with a
wine that was even stronger. This was the one he was to hand to me. He then takes
a second small vial and puts eight drops into the glass. He never let on to me that
he had done this. What he had done is spiked my wine with an extremely powerful sleeping
drug. The drug in my wine, though, was missing the agent that would active it.
This was in HIS glass. Quickly returning so as not to arouse my suspicions,
he passes a glass to me, taking a sip himself. “I want you to drink this.” he orders.
Too weak to protest I obey, draining the glass in four swallows. It was a delicious,
but strong blush wine. The heat of it going down my throat warmed and calmed me even
further. Paul touches my cheek and a soft smile plays on his face. I finally smile
back at him. “Better?” he asks, brushing back a stray lock of my hair.
Nodding my head, I find my voice at last. “Yes.” I said. “I’m sorry,
Paul-I really didn’t mean to put you through all this. It wasn’t your responsibility
to rescue me….” “Wasn’t it?” he asked seriously. “Karen, you know who I am and
what my abilities are-that I rule the soul and emotion. I HEARD your distress, and it-
it just tore my guts out” he said with a shake of his head. “I HAD to come.”
Looking up at him, his eyes looked so loving. He said, “I was serious when I said I wanted
to love you….”

Taking my hand, Paul gently leads me over to his bed. “I know this is crazy,” he says,
“but I DO love you….” Wrapping me in a lover’s embrace, he kisses me….

Brown eyes looking deeply into mine Paul says, “I don’t understand it, Karen,
really I don’t….” Taking a halting breath I ask, “What’s that?” Pausing momentarily
he says, “I don’t understand how someone could NOT love you. Doesn’t ANYONE see the
wonderful person that you are? The treasure they could hold in their hands if they
had you?” Shaking my head I reply, “I can’t explain it either. Am I really such a
bad person, Paul? Was it something I was doing wrong….?” “Hey, hey-STOP.
None of that. Any man would be a fool to let someone like you escape him.
You’re mine now-consider it their loss….” Charmed by his words, I found myself
holding him ever closer to me, gently stroking his furred chest. I slowly realized that
my heartrate was beginning to slow, and that I was feeling better. Paul kisses me again,
his intent clear. In the course of conversation, I didn’t realize that he had
unbuttoned one button of my shirt. “I simply cannot believe that nobody wanted as
pretty a girl as you.” His hand slowly and gently stroked my shoulder and neck.
A shiver courses through my body, then I relax, my muscles going limp as the tension
finally drains from my body. Paul sensed this, and wrapping his arms around me,
kissed me again. “You OK?” he asked. “Yeah….” I nodded. “I’m all right-just
exhausted from all the stress I’ve been feeling lately….” “I know baby ….” he says.
“With all you’ve been through, and not having anyone to talk to, or to love, no wonder
you’re a bundle of nerves….” Paul embraces me closer, his body feeling so strong and
warm against mine. Maybe it was me, or maybe it was because my system was so screwed up
at the time, but Paul for some reason had the most wonderful smell to him. Musky and rich,
I breathed it deeply. “You’ve got so much love inside, so much to give to a man,
how could anyone not see that?” he asked. “You’re SO beautiful….” Gently pulling
me up against his chest, Paul and I kiss again. His hands lovingly stroked the
sides of my face. Unbuttoning yet another button, he tenderly kisses my collarbone.
The sensation that kiss caused was like fire burning through my veins. I tipped my
head back, wanting more of his touch. Paul then finishes unbuttoning my shirt.
Sliding it off my shoulders, he lets it fall to the floor. He then unhooks my bra and
it too falls to the ground. By now the drug he had put in my glass was well working
its way into my system. Idly glancing at the clock on his nightstand, it said 3pm.
Paul’s gentle hands and tender kisses soon aroused me, and I found myself actually
getting wet. I let him unfasten my shorts and slide them over my hips to the floor.
“I’ve never seen anyone as beautiful as you….” he says. He wraps a huge arm around me
and helps me up onto the bed with him. Paul clutches me to him, his hands exploring
the curves of my body. Tenderly holding my face, he kisses me urgently. “Karen,
I need you....” Sliding off the bed, Paul then strips off the studded belt and black
leggings he had been wearing, tossing them onto a chair. Now as gloriously naked
as I was, I was hit hard by how well built Paul was. His narrow hips cradled a
manhood as impressive as Paul himself. (Paul always kept his room warm-he hated cold
as much as I did….) He slides back onto the bed with me and I lay down. I had seen
that he was primed and ready to go. He lies down next to me, pulling me next to his body.
His furry chest tickled, and I enjoyed the sensation. “No one has EVER felt this good…”
he whispers. He supports himself on his arms over me, and we kiss many more times,
him kissing my eyelids and cheeks, tasting my lips. “I love you so much…” Kissing his
way down my chest, Paul then gently takes my nipple in his mouth, suckling.
I almost come right there. Lit by soft candlelight, I was in the hands of an expert.
Paul’s gentle loving was slowly erasing my pain. Paul then lays on his side,
his huge maleness fully erect. I slide sideways to him, and he helps lift my
legs over his hip. Paul then ever so slowly guides himself into me, penetrating.
In this position, we were both fully relaxed, and we could look into each other’s eyes.
Paul thrusts gently, not wanting to rush, afraid that he might hurt me. "Ohhh….”
He breathes, momentarily closing his eyes. Paul covers my stomach with a huge hand,
pumping more urgently. With experienced fingers, Paul gently caresses my clit,
stimulating me. I arch my back in pleasure. The only sounds to be heard now were of
our breathing and soft, pleasured moans as Paul sweetly loved me. Slowly, urgency
builds in us, and it could have only one release. Thrusting strongly Paul whispers,
“Yes, yes…” and the world fades away as Paul and I orgasm together, his love flowing
into me, warm and sweet….

“Oh, WOW….” Paul says, shaking his handsome head, panting slightly. “No one has EVER
felt that good.” Lying next to him, he wraps his arms around me. Looking at him I say,
“Jeez, I never thought I’d STOP coming….” “I know…” he said with a lacivicious chuckle.
“I felt you come….” I slide my leg over his and he caresses my bare hip. Kissing me
he says, “I could love you forever….” I lay my head on his chest and I hear his heart
beating strongly. How long we lay there I don’t know, nor did I care. Running my hands
over his arms, exploring, I felt Paul’s powerful muscles working under his smooth
tan skin. I idly trace a finger around the rose tattoo on his shoulder. Sliding my
hands down, I caress his small, sexy buns. Paul suddenly wraps his arms around me
strongly and lifts me on top of him. This made me a bit worried, being that I was no
featherweight. It didn’t seem to bother him, though. Pulling me down to him, Paul
kisses me deeply. He runs his hands down my spine, and he seemed to know just the
right areas…. Gazing at me he says, “I can’t get enough of you….” Running his hands
down my sides, he gently cups my breasts in his hands, then traces his hands down
the length of my arms. “You are so sexy….” he murmurs. Reaching behind me,
I felt that once again he was fully erect, and I felt the weight of his sac in my hand.
This boy certainly knew no limits. I guide him into me, sitting astride his narrow hips.
He penetrated very deeply in this position. Closing his eyes for a moment, a look of
bliss crosses his painted face. He says to me, “You’re SO tight baby, am I - your
first?” Gently yet powerfully, Paul fills me completely. Teasingly he pulls out of
me almost completely, then strikes again. All I felt now was Paul’s huge manhood inside me,
flying me to the heights of paradise again. He utters a long, deep moan, locking his
hips to mine as once again we climax together, and he pumps the hastily accumulated load
in his huge balls into me deeply. I was unable momentarily to move as the sensation
of my climax burned through my nerves. He helps me up with strong arms and I lay on
my side next to him. I was now beginning to get a bit tired, but somehow I knew we
weren’t through just yet. Paul gets up, and gently touching my face he says,
“Be right back-don’t go anywhere….” I lay back, trying to recover my strength.
Paul disappears into the elegant bathroom off his bedroom. After a couple of moments
he returns, striding silently across the carpeted floor. With a deep breath he lazily
stretches his arms up, flexing his massive chest. Dammit, he looked good and he knew
it. I KNEW he was showing off for me. I kneel on the bed, extending my arms. He comes
up to me and wraps me in his arms, devouring me with his hands. Turning me around,
he brushes my hair aside and kisses my neck. He KNEW that made me hot. He cups my breasts
in his hands, massaging my stiff, erect nipples between his fingertips, then runs
his hands down the front of me, caressing the flat plate of my stomach. Emitting a
soft rumbling purr, Paul cups my womanhood in his hand, ever so delicately nibbling
at my neck. I utter a soft moan, and Paul pushes his body against my back. His
experienced fingers found the sensitive bud and he massages it, making me want him
yet a third time. “You’re SO good…” he whispers in my ear, his breath warm against
my skin. Pulling my hair aside, he kisses at the sensitive junction of my neck and shoulders.
I felt his huge erection against my hip, and I receptively drop to four points. Paul
kisses a trail down my back, teasingly not entering right away. He then guides his hot,
throbbing rod into me, mounting me like a stallion mounts a mare. Holding my hips,
he pumps gently at first, letting me open for him. He felt SO huge as his powerful loins
drove him deeply into me. I whimper softly as Paul reaches to the bottom of me. Had he
driven any harder, he would have risked hurting me. “Paul, Paul….” I repeat
mindlessly, now not remembering the pain I had been in, letting him lead me to ecstasy’s
gates one last time. Bending slightly, Paul found my love bud, and he strokes it softly,
gently, until in a frenzy, I bucked backwards against him. Time seemed to stand still.
Sweet pressure built again, and I knew this time it was going to be a mind-blower.
“Oh baby….” He groaned, thrusting strongly, “Yes, oh yes….” “Ahh…” I moan
loudly, and the wildest orgasm I ever had overtakes me, obliterating my senses completely.
With a moan that was more a shout of joy, Paul pumps rapidly into me as he too orgasms.
And his manhood, pulsing with life, seeds me deeply.

Slowly, Paul and I regain touch with reality. Withdrawing, he lays down with a satisfied
sigh next to me, his maleness still wet with my juices. Now completely worn out, I
wearily crawl into his arms. I never wanted to leave his embrace, leave this room.
I was SO tired. I now could just about keep my eyes open as the drug finally took effect.
Laying my head on his shoulder, I never wanted to leave his arms. Paul softly strokes and
kisses my hair. “I never loved anyone as much as I love you, Karen.” he said. “This
has been the most incredible night of my life….” “Mmmm….” I sleepily murmur,
“ I love you too Paul.” Yawning, I say, “But I’m SO tired….” I run my hand over his
chest and I feel his heart beating. I looked over at the clock, and it now said 8:30.
Good grief, I didn’t realize we had been at it for 5 hours. Closing my eyes, I just laid
there in Paul’s strong, warm arms, finally properly loved, and I was loath to move.
Paul gently strokes my hair, and I slip into that realm between sleep and wakefulness.
“Baby, I know the heartache you’ve been through - but could you promise me something….?”
“Hmmm…?” I murmur sleepily. “Please promise us, promise ME - that you won’t-leave us.
I love you so much. Please tell me that you won’t consider what you were considering
ever again….” Now near the point of unconsciousness, I murmur, “I promise, Paul.
I love you.”

As I drift into sleep in his strong arms, I hear Paul whisper, “Always remember,
there is love out there for you, and that I love you, so very much….”
“Always remember…”

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