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A     ABANDONMENT    ACCIDENT (Misfortune)    The ACTION of the
          Dream  AGGRESSION    ANIMALS - (Baby animals, bear, bull, cat,
      chameleon, cold-blooded animals, composite animals, cow, deformed
                 animals, dog, domesticated animals, elephants, frog, goat, hare, horns, horse,
               lion, lizard, monkey, monsters/dragons, mouse, otter, parts of animals, pig/
       wildboar, prehistoric animals, preoccupied animals, rabbits, rat, sheep,
             sinister animals, animals, snake, toad, transformation of animals, unicorn,
                vermin, vertebrates, wild animals, wolf, wounded animals.)    APPETITES
               ARCHETYPES (The Ego, The Shadow, Anima, Animus, The Self, The
     Great Mother, Mother Earth, The Terrible Mother, The Princess, The
                 Seductress, The Amazon, The Huntress, The Priestess, The Witch, The Wise
     Old Man, The Father, The Ogre, The Youth, The Tramp, The Hunter,
The Hero, The Villian, The Trickster, The Black Magician)         
ASCENDING    ASHES    ATTITUDES                                  

              (chicken, crow, dove, eagle, owl, peacock, phoenix, raven, wild goose.)
                BIRTH    BITING    BODY (abdomen (stomach, belly), becoming
              fat, anus (excrement), blood, eye, hair, hands, head, limbs, mouth, nose,
         penis, skin, teeth, tongue, womb), BOOKS,    BOX    BREAK  
      BRIDGE    BUILDINGS (the house, balcony (ledge, sill), doors,
           elevator, hall, passages, room, stairs, walls, windows, other buildings,
            boarding house, castle,(fortress, citadel), church, city, igloo, pyramids,
       temple, tower (steeple, lighthouse)    BULLDOZER (steamroller)
  BURIED ALIVE                                                                    

           (explosions, bombs)    CAVES    CEMETERIES    Being CHASED (pursued,
       followed)    CLEAN/dirty    CLIMBING    CLOCKS (watches, other time-
         pieces)    CLOTHES, (coat, (cloak), hat, raincoat, shoes, veil)    CLOUDS    
            COLD    COLOURS (drab, dull, bright, colourful, changing colours, black, blue,
          brown, gold, green, lilac, orange (saffron), pink (rose), purple, red, white (silver),

          DESERT         DRAMA, (film, play, television show)    The DREAM
WITHIN A DREAM    DRINK (alcohol, milk)                            

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