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May 21 to June 20

Ruler ~ Mercury
Element ~ Air
Quality ~ Mutable

Gemini is the third sign of the occidental zodiac.

Gemini have the following characteristics;

Quick-wittedness          Versatility
Perspicacity          Performance
Flexibility          Dexterity

Gemini sins may include;

Impatience          Self-deception
Glibness          Superficiality
Inconstancy          Indecisiveness


Flighty Spirit

Gemini lovers keep changing their minds. Their flighty spirit means that
they do not like to be tied down. Partners may find them unreliable and a constant
source of surprise as they are forever dithering, unable to reach a final
decision! Most are also incorrigibly flirtatious.

Geminis are renowned for their dual personalities and ability to
change mood from moment to moment. Although they hate to be tied down, they make
lively, entertaining and romantic partners, even if rather fickle at times.

Natural communicators, Geminis do not suffer fools gladly; so once they are
attracted to people, they have to ensure that they are not dull or mundane. They
will spend ages chatting to them about every subject under the sun, just to find
out what makes them tick.


Variety is the spice of life for Geminis, especially when it comes
to love. At the first hint of boredom, they will frantically plot their escape,
whether temporary or perhaps permanent.

Faithfulness is difficult for Geminis, and most of them are born flirts.
Their curiosity makes them wonder if they are missing out on meeting the great
love of their life, even if happily married.

A few of them will take this to extremes and thrive on the excitement of
leading a double life. But they are so quick with words that they can usually talk
their way out of trouble. Just keeping up with a Gemini can prove a full time
occupation, as they are constantly busy. They have so many different interests that
their partners may feel exhausted just watching them.


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