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1907, 1919, 1931, 1943,
1955, 1967, 1979, 1991,
2003, 2015, 2027, 2039,
2051, 2063, 2075, 2087.

Goat is Yang.

Goat is the eighth sign of the Chinese Horoscope.

Goats have the following characteristics;

Invention          Whimsy
Sensitivity          Good Manners
Perservance          Taste

Goat sins may include;

Parasitism          Pessimism
Lack of Foresight          Impracticality
Tardiness          Worry

Goat born people (or Sheep) dislike being hurried or to be put
under pressure. They can be very charming, but sometimes hold back and do not
let their emotions speak, so that others do not fully appreciate their true natures.
Although they can be adaptable and sure-footed when they need to be, they do like
stability and prefer to live and work in the company of other people. Of mild manner,
even perhaps a little shy, the Goat person has ready sympathy for anyone down on their
luck. Lovers of nature and the arts, Goat people can be so timid that they can be
very easily hurt and upset, especially by anything that appears to be a
confrontation. Domesticated home-lovers, they are made for marriage and find emotional
satisfaction with a partner who provides them with security in life.

2001 (Year of the Snake) FOR THE GOAT

The excellent auspices of the Snake will present Goat with many
opportunities in which to spread their wings. At work, past efforts will be recognised
and rewarded. Progress will seem effortless, and socially, Goat will be popular.

YEAR TREND: Extremely satisfying.

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