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1906, 1918, 1930, 1942,
1954, 1966, 1978, 1990,
2002, 2014, 2026, 2038,
2050, 2062, 2074, 2086.

Snake is Yang.

Horse is the seventh sign of the Chinese Horoscope.

Horses have the following characteristics;

Persuasiveness          Style
Autonomy          Dexterity
Popularity          Accomplishment

Horse sins may include;

Selfishness          Haste
Unscrupulousness          Anxiety
Rebellion          Pragmatism

Horse-born poeple are usually lively and popular,
mentally alert, good with words, and also straight and honest. They seek
success and enjoy a challenge, but can suddenly shy away with a jump or a
kick of their heels and canter off in search of freedom, especially if they feel
that they are being subordinated or expected to do things that to them seem pointless.
At the same time they are prepared to devote tireless energy to making a success
of something they have chosen for themselves, or feel committed to, without counting
their time. Horse people rarely worry about being settled and generally like to
be traveling or on the move, which can lead to an erratic or changeful way of life.
For Horse people, love is blind. In losing their hearts, they lose their heads and
often make several mistakes before finding the right partner.

2001 (Year of the Snake) FOR THE HORSE

Clandestine romantic entanglements could well upset the
applecart this year, with their consequent emotional scenes disturbing the
Horse's peace of mind. Relationships in general could prove a mindfield, and
Horse's must be circumspect in dealings with others.

YEAR TREND: Beware interpersonal involvements.

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