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1901, 1913, 1925, 1937,
1949, 1961, 1973, 1985,
1997, 2009, 2021, 2033,
2045, 2057, 2069, 2081.

Ox is Yin.

Ox is the second sign of the Chinese Horoscope.

Oxen have the following characteristics;

Integrity          Innovation
Strength of Purpose          Diligence
Stability          Eloquence

Ox sins may include;

Stubbornness          Standoffishness
Bigotry          Bias
Plodding          Vindictiveness

The Ox shoulders the plow and sturdily and uncomplainingly
plows his or her own - sometimes rather lonely - furrow through life.
Ox people can be "loners" who have little time for society, but they are strong,
dutiful, and reliable types who form firm bonds with home and family and cherish
their private lives. Not usually very adventurous, they like staying at home
and working in their in their backyards, which they do with method and application.
Sometimes the Ox's strength comes out in great shows of obstinacy or determination,
and the Ox will always stoutly defend what he or she thinks is right. This is not
necessarily the most romantic of the signs, but Ox people make steadfast lovers
and thoughtful, affectionate partners and spouses.

2001 (Year of the Snake) FOR THE OX

Chickens come home to roost this year - which is only fair, given the
disappointment of the last 12 months. Past efforts pay off handsomely and Oxen
can take major stirdes forward. This is the time for Ox people to grab the opportunities
offered to them, including invitations that will widen their social network.
Romance will blossom for the Ox this year.

YEAR TREND: Deeply rewarding.

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