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1911, 1923, 1935, 1947,
1959, 1971, 1983, 1995,
2007, 2019, 2031, 2043,
2055, 2067, 2079, 2091.

Pig is Yin.

Pig is the twelfth sign of the Chinese Horoscope.

Pigs have the following characteristics;

Scrupulousness          Voluptuousness
Gallantry          Culture
Sincerity          Honesty

Pig sins may include;

Credulity          Materialism
Wrath          Gourmandism
Hesitation          Pigheadedness

Pig - or Boar - people are kind, honest, generous, and good-humoured,
as well as having an excellent sense of fun and a talent for making jokes. They
usually love their homes, and often these are far from being pig-pens - although some
Pigs are quite cheerful about not being able to keep house. This may be because
they also like indulging in their pleasures and would rather spend their time and
money buying, preparing, and eating good food. Steady, patient, and enduring,
good at organising without being bossy, Pig people are very trusting and entirely
trustworthy themselves. They generally love their homes, but when it comes to love they
can also be sensual hedonists who enjoy making love between satin sheets, with caviar and
champagne close by.

2001 (Year of the Snake) FOR THE PIG

Snake years are notorious for producing an atmosphere of uneasiness and disquiet that affects everyone in one form or another . For the Pig, the focus falls on family affairs, where scandal or loss may disturb the pattern of life. Ex penditure needs to be controlled.

YEAR TREND: A time for taking stock.

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