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February 19 to March 20

Ruler ~ Jupiter/Neptune
Element ~ Water
Quality ~ Mutable

Pisces is the twelfth sign of the occidental zodiac.

Pisceans have the following characteristics;

Understanding          Compatibility
Perception          Awareness
Creativity          Spirituality

Piscean sins may include;

Diffidence          Smugness
Lack of Will          Rage
Fearfulness          Indecision


Idealistic Mate

When in love, Pisceans are filled with aspirations. Often seeking spiritual
life with their partner, they are probably the most romantic sign of the zodiac
and can be very caring and sensitive. But the fact that they are dreamers can cause
problems since expectations may be too high.

The most idealistic, romantic and highly-strung sign, Pisceans are only too happy to lose themselves in their relationships. Being loved is central to their well-being. They are very caring, and make compassionate partners.


Deeply sensitive and soft-hearted, Pisceans revel in highly-charged
relationships. Unfortunately, they are so easily hurt that they often emerge
battle-scarred from a relationship with their dreams shattered. many Pisceans also
view their loved ones through rose-coloured glasses, refusing to admit that
their idealized lover is only human after all.

As a result, they sometimes turn a blind eye to transgressions that would
provoke some of the more down-to-earth signs. Some Pisceans become willing victims
in destructive relationships, without even realizing it.

However, if Pisceans become involved with those who are too realistic and
unable to stimulate a vivid imagination, they may well start to stray to pastures
new through sheer boredom.

Love affairs are the essence of romance for Pisceans. They like nothing
better than to escape from their every-day routine into a dream-world. Probably
the only occassion on which they will be unfaithful is in their imaginations,
for they may fantasize about dramatic love affairs that in reality do not exist.


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