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1903, 1915, 1927, 1939,
1951, 1963, 1975, 1987,
1999, 2011, 2023, 2035,
2047, 2059, 2071, 2083.

Rabbit is Yin.

Rabbit is the fourth sign of the Chinese Horoscope.

Rabbits have the following characteristics;

Tact          Prudence
Finesse          Longevity
Virtue          Ambition

Rabbits sins may include;

Secretiveness          Dilettantism
Squeamishness          Hypochondria
Pedantry          Complexity

Peace-loving rabbits (or hares or cats), generally like to
keep out of arguements, even if at times it means turning a blind eye and a
deaf ear to the situation. As a result, they can be very diplomatic, and also good
at negotiating. Gentle, emotional, and even sentimental, Rabbits can also be
quite selfish in the pursuit of their own pleasure, although they would not
deliberately hurt anyone else in the process. While their diplomatic skills usually
prevent them showing it, Rabbits can be badly hurt by thoughtless treatment or
criticism from others. They present a well-groomed appearance, and are well-mannered,
but they also like to play and their love of fun can take people by surprise at
times. The Rabbit's strength is in observing the game, assessing the situation,
and coming up with a solution or innovation when the time is ripe. Rabbits make
sensitive lovers. They are shrewd and seek a partner who offers the security they
need in life.

2001 (Year of the Snake) FOR THE RABBIT

Snake years are generally auspicious for rabbits, and the trends in 2001 could well be in their favour. However, new romantic liaisons that may promise a lot could leave the Rabbit in a very embarrassing situation.

YEAR TREND: Don't judge a book by it's cover.

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