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Rat is Yin.

Rat is the first sign of the Chinese Horoscope.

Rats have the following characteristics;

Appeal          Sociability
Influence          Intellectual Skill
Thrift          Charisma

Rats sins may include;

Nervousness          Thirst for Power
Verbosity          Guile
Acquisitiveness          Meddling

Outwardly cool but charming and sociable, Rats are always at their ease in
company and get on well in groups of people, both at work and socially. Endowed
with intelligence, observant, and imaginative, Rats are quick to grasp the situation,
and can readily size up what is going on from everybody's point of view.
This enables them to give good advice to others who are slower to catch on,
though they may at times say more than others wish to hear. While Rats are normally
very self-controlled, they can't resist the chance to take advantage of opportunities,
and with their perspicacity, these can be many! This can send them scurrying
about chasing too many tails at once. They make passionate lovers with a depth
of feeling that others often do not recognize.

2001 (Year of the Snake) FOR THE RAT

Things are never what they seem in the Year of the Snake. Rats should
take care to read all the small print and study people's body language carefully.
Otherwise, they could end up out-of-pocket or bruised - physically or emotionally.
Prospects improve at the end of the year.

YEAR TREND: Approach with caution.

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