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November 22 to December 21

Ruler ~ Jupiter
Element ~ Fire
Quality ~ Mutable

Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the occidental zodiac.

Sagittarians have the following characteristics;

Cheerfulness          Valor
Openhandedness          Honour
Solicitude          Reason

Sagittarians sins may include;

Outspokenness          Vacillation
Recklessness          Carelessness
Bad manners          Contradiction


Casual Romantic

Sagittarians may plunge into a love affair whole-heartedly, but do
not commit themselves too easily. They enjoy the chase of a new romance and often
prefer casual relationships to something more permanent which denies them freedom.

Although they often prefer to be footloose and fancy free, once involved in a
relationship Sagittarianswill make it as much fun and as enjoyable as possible.

Sagittarians are usually very gregarious people, but they gladly find
the time for one important loving relationship. They are very warm
and caring, although their light-hearted affections may seem a bit too casual
for some of the more passionate Sun signs, who prefer more security.

The Chase

As the hunters of the zodiac, there is nothing Sagittarians like
better than the thrill of the romantic chase. However, some of them lose interest
once they have captured the heart of the person they have been pursuing,
and will then set their sights on someone new.


Independence is vital to Sagittarians, who can quickly start to feel
trapped in a suffocating relationship. Some of them expect their partners to
wait around while they persue their own interests; and their tendency to blow
hot and cold can be very confusing. They usually possess suitably warm emotions
and also a wonderful zest for life which is often filled with endless absorbing
interests. Naturally optimistic, they will always tend to shrug off defeat.


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