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1905, 1917, 1929, 1941,
1953, 1965, 1977, 1989,
2001, 2013, 2025, 2037,
2049, 2061, 2073, 2085.

Snake is Yang.

Snake is the sixth sign of the Chinese Horoscope.

Snakes have the following characteristics;

Intuition          Sagacity
Attractiveness          Clairvoyance
Discretion          Compassion

Snake sins may include;

Dissimulation          Cupidity
Extravagance          Presumption
Laziness          Exclusiveness

Wise and meditative, the Snake may lie in coils for hours
and then effortlessly dart out his or her tongue. Snake people usually know what
they want and go and get it in their own good time with apparent ease, and certainly
without hurrying. At their own chosen time, they may also shed their skins and take
up something completely new. This ties in with Snake people's secretive or
mistrustful side: others may be put off by the way they are never let into the
confidence of a Snake person. Snake people may like to show off their social side,
but they have a strong need to be left alone, too, and they also need to rest
quietly after periods of activity. Passionate and strongly sexed, Snakes are attracted
to elegant, refined partners, but they are deeply jealous and can be dauntingly

2001 (Year of the Snake) FOR THE SNAKE

This is the Snake's own year - a time when major advances can
be made and Snake people's efforts come to fruition. Ambitions can be realised
now and talents rewarded. Snakes should acknowledge those who love and support
them as they rise up the ladder.

YEAR TREND: Personally satisfying.

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