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1902, 1914, 1926, 1938,
1950, 1962, 1974, 1986,
1998, 2010, 2022, 2034,
2046, 2058, 2070, 2082.

Tiger is Yang.

Tiger is the third sign of the Chinese Horoscope.

Tigers have the following characteristics;

Fervor          Good Luck
Bravery          Benevolence
Magnetism          Authority

Tigers sins may include;

Impetuosity          Swagger
Hotheadedness          Intemperance
Disobedience          Itinerancy

Tigers have passion, strength, speed and courage,
and a restless love of freedom. They need independence and they also like to
dominate. They need to occupy powerful positions and are not afraid of
meeting a challenge head-on. Tiger people dislike routine and anything that
seems to them petty. They can be restless, always on the prowl, and not settling
to anything for long, but they will also be prepared to sniff out and stalk
what they want and take a bold leap for it when the moment seems right. Tigers
make honest, generous friends, and passionate and sensual lovers. Flirty when young,
once committed they make stable partners who keep their sexual allure and become
good parents.

2001 (Year of the Snake) FOR THE TIGER

If there is one area of Tiger's life above all others that
could give rise to problems this year, it is that of relationships. Dealings with
relatives, colleagues, and lovers may not be quite as straightforward as the Tiger
would like, and emotional entanglements could cost him or her dearly.

YEAR TREND: Beware dangerous undercurrents.

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