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August 23 to September 22

Ruler ~ Mercury
Element ~ Earth
Quality ~ Mutable

Virgo is the sixth sign of the occidental zodiac.

Virgos have the following characteristics;

Lucidity          Practicality
Discrimination          Service
Courtesy          Decorum

Virgo sins may include;

Nit-picking          Meticulousness
Negativism          Crankiness
Snobbery          Reserve


Cool Customer

Dependable and sincere as lovers, Virgos have few illusions about
affairs of the heart. Rather than lavishing affection on their partners,
they prefer to show their love in small gestures and are cautious in the
extreme about making a first move. They are also often far too down-to-earth
to be swept away.

Although they may seem shy, introverted and self-conscious on the surface,
Virgos blossom and relax once love comes their way.

Virgos sometimes find it hard to show their love. They have a thoughtful
approach, and always look before they leap, analyzing all the possible consequences
of a relationship.


When looking for a partner to sweep you off your feet with tender words
of love and steamy nights of passion, it is wise to think twice before picking
a Virgo.

It is often a real effort for them to make the first move in the game of
love - they are so sure that they are going to fail. Although they may long
to cast caution to the wind, they have to conquer their emotional inhabitions
first. But with the help of a loving, patient and understanding partner,
love will blossom.

hard to keep the relationship alive and exciting. However, they can nag,
harp or fault-find whenever their partners fail to come up to scratch.

Because they have such high standards, it can be a constant battle for
Virgos partner who has to struggle to fulfil these expectations. Rows begin
when they unintentionally - deeply offend their loved one in this way.


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