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What follows are some of the hilarities of Mustache - all true!

Mustache: Hello! What are you doing?
Me: I'm looking for my Buck I.D. I lost it...
Mustache: Oh. Well if you need a meal, I have an extra one.
Me: No, thanks. I'll find it.
Mustache: Seriously. I have extra meals. I rarely use them.
Me: No, thanks. I'll find it.
Mustache: Well if you don't, I insist you take me up on the offer!

Mustache: Hello! Would you like a cookie? (He presents a cookie to me using grubby little hands with much too long fingernails.)
Me: No, Thanks.
Mustache: You don't like oatmeal raisin? Perhaps I should have gotten chocolate chip...
Me: No, I just don't want a cookie. (I fight the urge to run, and slowly walk away instead.) Later, during class, I look up to find Mustache glaring at me from across the room, arms crossed. I fear for my life...

This was witnessed by myself and several others at the recent FEH Robot Competition: Mustache, standing by himself on an indoor track, where the astroturf meets the track, kicks his shoe off and then retrieves it, only to return to his starting point to do it again. He does this several times, showing slight signs of excitement when he achieves a personal best. This goes on for a good 10 minutes. Even in a room full of hundreds of people, he still manages to alienate himself.