Admn Solid really showed me...
Admn Solid

(My name has been dashed out because I was using a friend's screen name.)

Admn Solid [11:46 PM]: Hello
---------------- [11:46 PM]: who the fug is this?
Admn Solid [11:46 PM]: i recieved a complaint from an AOL user about you
---------------- [11:47 PM]: oh really?
Admn Solid [11:47 PM]: May i ask what you know about Adback42
---------------- [11:48 PM]: Adback42, eh?
---------------- [11:49 PM]: what makes you think i know this Adback42?
Admn Solid [11:49 PM]: yes
Admn Solid [11:49 PM]: Because of the logs that i recieved
Admn Solid [11:49 PM]: If you dont know this person please say so.. If you do, please also say so
---------------- [11:49 PM]: that's gonna cost ya...
Admn Solid [11:49 PM]: Gonna cost me?
---------------- [11:50 PM]: $20
---------------- [11:50 PM]: check
Admn Solid [11:50 PM]: No, see, You or your parents pay me to do this
---------------- [11:50 PM]: mail it to P.O. Box 726, Peninsula, OH 44286
---------------- [11:50 PM]: I pay you to do what?
Admn Solid [11:51 PM]: Who do you think i am?
---------------- [11:51 PM]: Well I was hoping you would consider being my romantic partner... but I really don't know who you are
Admn Solid [11:51 PM]: asl
---------------- [11:51 PM]: Do you think we could ever be more than friends?
---------------- [11:51 PM]: 13 male ohio
Admn Solid [11:52 PM]: hmm, no i dont think you wanna date a male that works for AOL
Admn Solid [11:52 PM]: it wont work out
Admn Solid [11:52 PM]: i'm sorry
---------------- [11:52 PM]: Can we take our relationship beyond the platonic level that it is now?
---------------- [11:52 PM]: If you work for AOL, why are you using AIM?
---------------- [11:52 PM]: mr. "internet user" man
Admn Solid [11:52 PM]: Because this is an Admin account
Admn Solid [11:53 PM]: Admin accounts arent on AOL...
---------------- [11:53 PM]: Oh really?
Admn Solid [11:53 PM]: Yes, really
---------------- [11:53 PM]: Why is that?
---------------- [11:53 PM]: because your service sucks?
Admn Solid [11:53 PM]: Yes
---------------- [11:53 PM]: figured
Admn Solid [11:53 PM]: and because hacking tools work better on AIM
---------------- [11:54 PM]: ooh so you're hacking my computer, eh?
Admn Solid [11:54 PM]: why would i do that?
---------------- [11:54 PM]: Because you like fucking (with) 13 year old boys?
Admn Solid [11:55 PM]: No, i like looking into Complaints and reporting this whole conversation to your parents account
---------------- [11:55 PM]: What is my parents' account?
Admn Solid [11:55 PM]: i haven't looked it up yet
Admn Solid [11:55 PM]: heh
Admn Solid [11:55 PM]: no reason to yet
---------------- [11:56 PM]: well you let me know when you do, mr. "internet user" man
---------------- [11:56 PM]: if I may ask, what complaint did you receive about me?
Admn Solid [11:56 PM]: Abuse of a user
Admn Solid [11:56 PM]: /users
Admn Solid [11:56 PM]: there was more than one
---------------- [11:56 PM]: because I was wondering if it was my excessive profanity in chat rooms, or my mass emailings of pornography
--------------- [11:56 PM]: to minors
Admn Solid [11:57 PM]: do you use IRC?
--------------- [11:57 PM]: yes
Admn Solid [11:57 PM]: hmm
Admn Solid [11:57 PM]: you should goto one day
Admn Solid [11:57 PM]: :-p
---------------- [11:57 PM]: I have an abusive personality
Admn Solid [11:57 PM]: i do to on irc
---------------- [11:57 PM]: why should I go there?
Admn Solid [11:58 PM]: because its an abusive network
Admn Solid [11:58 PM]: :-p
---------------- [11:58 PM]: hmm... I'll look into that
---------------- [11:58 PM]: But you see, I much prefer to abuse the meek
---------------- [11:58 PM]: gives me more thrills
---------------- [11:58 PM]: more pleasure, if you will
---------------- [11:58 PM]: I get off on that kind of thing
Admn Solid [11:58 PM]: yes
---------------- [11:58 PM]: Porn got old for me when I was 11, so I have moved on to bigger and better things
---------------- [11:59 PM]: My genitals have suffered 13 years of oppression
---------------- [11:59 PM]: Can we talk about sex?
Admn Solid [11:59 PM]: my opinion is porn sux....
Admn Solid [11:59 PM]: mainly cause i have a girl to have sex with
---------------- [11:59 PM]: So you're talking about sex with a 13 year old boy? What the hell kind of PERVERT are you?!
---------------- [11:59 PM]: I'm reporting you!
Admn Solid [11:59 PM]: i'm 15
Admn Solid [11:59 PM]: idiot
---------------- [12:00 AM]: You're 15 and you work for AOL, eh?
Admn Solid [12:00 AM]: mhmm
Admn Solid [12:00 AM]: and since AOL already has reports on me
Admn Solid [12:00 AM]: they'll just go in the collection
---------------- [12:00 AM]: I'm impressed by your social deviancy
---------------- [12:00 AM]: Do you think maybe we could knock off a convenience store some time?
Admn Solid [12:01 AM]: i think i'm gonna drop this complaint and you dont let me get another one...
---------------- [12:01 AM]: What complaint?
---------------- [12:01 AM]: There was a complaint?
---------------- [12:01 AM]: Wait.. what happened to The Philosophy Network?
---------------- [12:02 AM]: Isn't that who I was talking to?
---------------- [12:02 AM]: Have you ever experimented in necrophilia?
---------------- [12:03 AM]: I find that intercourse with the deceased allows an intense spiritual connection
---------------- [12:03 AM]: and a variety of new exciting positions!

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