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My Nightmare World

My Nightmare World


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She's living in a dream world
On a drug. It makes her high
In a natural way.
The days are beautiful
As are the nights. Darkness.
No, her world doesn't really exist.
But she likes to believe in its reality.
And the real world will get angry because of
This fantasy she created for herself.
And all the people who befriended her in her dream world...
What would they think if they knew she is
Simply an average person with a boring life?
But I don't live in a dream world.
I'm living in a nightmare world
On a drug. It makes me low.
The drug is used once and the pain appears
And I've had an awful life.
No, this nightmare world doesn't exist,
But I like to believe in its reality.
What would they think of me
If they knew?
