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Get out the hair dryer and brushes! We're going to make the hairstyle!!
Choose your hair color., I picked #FF9F50, and begin to draw the outlines of the hair, something like this:

Now let's add some highlights!~ Choose a lighter shade of your hair color and fill in what's left, like this:

You can either leave it like this or get more creative and add more highlights!

Now let's make the body!
Switch to black and draw something similar to the following:
(If you cannot do it by *just* looking at what I have here, click on the caption for a detailed numbered map, on how many dots to draw and where.)

Click here for specific numbered map!

Next choose your skin color and flood fill the neck and arm (use the magic wand to pick the neck, hold down the SHIFT key and pick the arm area as well), then pick out the black color and flood fill the *shirt*, to look like this:

Well, since by now you're probably an avid Paintbrush artist, you can draw your own shirt over this one and just color in skin color to replace the black :)

Cool huh?

This is now a good chance to *erase* some of the areas that dont' look right (like the boob area, i fixed mine up a bit)
Choose your *ERASER* set at 1 pixel to do this.

Now unzoom a bit if you haven't done so already, and let's draw the pants!
Like this:
Click on the picture to get a numbered map

Flood fill with a different color, I chose red :)


Almost done now!~ Draw with black lines like this:

Flood fill with color and add some toes!~

Why?!~ I believe we're done!!~~~

Please take this little thank you gift if you have enjoyed learning here!~

>>>>>>>>>TO THE SHOWCASE<<<<<<<<

We will now have a new SHOWCASE!~ If you would like to add your doll, please EMAIL ME HERE

>>>>>>>>>>>> TO THE SHOWCASE!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

© 2000-2001.
By ~*~Mystic~*~ for DCS

No portion may be reproduced or removed without prior written consent.
Please respect our work as we respect yours!