Rules for Hosted Fiction

1. No slash. Sorry, but no.

2. No visuals. This isn't that type of website. It's okay to have a scene here or there in your stories, but I really don't want to host ALL visual.

3. Your story must be spell checked and looked over for grammar mistakes. I really don't have the time to edit. Also, words that are spelt wrong on purpose really annoy me. Please spell words the right way!

4. I really don't like reading stories that are in one big paragraph, so please make sure you know how to distinguish paragraphs from each other. Also, remember that each time a person talks, you must start a new paragraph.

5. I don't mean to sound mean or anything, but I really do not want to host teenybopper type stories. If your plot is 5 girls meet the 5 guys and everyone hangs out, or 2 best friends win a contest to spend a week with Nsync in the bahamas, then please send me a different story! There are stories like that all over the net, and I want this site to have more original fiction on it.

6. Here are a few pointers that will make me want to host you more. (lol) Please follow the correct format for dialogue and narration.

If the punctuation of the dialogue is a period, and you put: he said (or replied, asked, etc) after the quote, then the period automatically changes to a comma. Example:

"And what did you do at that cabin?" Tracy's ears perked up.

"Just talked and stuff," Heather shortly answered.

"Did you sleep with him?" Tracy asked bluntly.

"Tracy!" Heather said with a smile, "I don't kiss and tell."

No extra punctuations are needed. You'd be surprised at the things I've gotten sent to me. Here's the right way to Narrate:

Big drops of rain crashed against the windows as Justin Timberlake made his way through the empty building. He was thankful for the distraction. Instead of the usual silence, the sound of the rain pitter-pattering on the roof seemed to calm him.

It would help him to get the job done.

Got it? Good! Now, if you think you have the perfect story for this website,then go here: Hosting Form and fill it out!

Well, that's it. If you have a non-nsync story (other fanfiction or your own originals) I also have a section for those. Go here: Non-Nsync {Fiction} to see what that page looks like.

Hosted {Fiction}
Non-Nsync {Fiction}
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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