Non-Nsync {Fiction}

This is a page I decided to make to showcase my non-Nsync fiction, as well as some stuff my friends are working on. If you would like your Non-Nsync story added to this list, please read the Rules, and then go to the Hosting Form and fill it out. I look forward to hearing from you!

It's a world of love, lust, betrayal and mystery for the Mills/Neelan families. Follow the lives of these two families and the obstacles they must overcome, and the faces they encounter along the way. Who will find love with whom? Who will backstab whom? Passion, Mystery, Intrigue, Love--there's always something keeping them on their toes. This is their world. This is A World of Our Own.
Read: A World Of Our Own
Author: Tracia
Genre: Drama
Status: 1st book: Complete, 2nd book: Complete, 3rd book: Complete... 1-30 posted.

Anna Lang had an idyllic life in the small Californian town of Harris but all of that is about to change. Anna's father tragedically died but leaves her something that can literally save her life. Evan Piedmont always had his eye on Anna and comes from a rich and powerful family. Evan helped Anna pick up the pieces after her father's death and they soon married. Anna thought she had it all until she seen a side of Evan she did not like. Anna knew what she had to do and where she could go. Can Anna escape the clutches of her once loving husband or will she suffer a terrible fate for trying to leave?
Read: Moving On
Author: Gretchen
Genre: Drama
Status: Completed

Carly Spencer had everything she wanted - her own floral design shop,house by the ocean and finally on speaking terms with her sister Allison. The only thing missing was the love of her life, she just had to find him. Carly always had trouble with that part of her life until Craig came through her shop's front door. There was a slight problem though, he was the competition and wanted to buy her out. Will they find love among the flowers or does Allison have other plans for them?
Read: Finding Mr. Right
Author: Gretchen
Genre: Drama
Status: Chapter 1-4

Phil, Justin, Nicki and Kyle Timberlake all had rough childhoods. With ten years spanding between the four siblings, each of them holds a different perspective on the world around them and on each other. Can they get past grudges, trust one another, and most of all... find love in their lives? (read summaries of each book inside)
Read: The Timberlakes
Author: Lori
Genre: Many Genres!
Status: Book 1 (PTC): Complete, Book 2 (BTI): Complete, Book 3 (KTP): 1-22.

Lately, Nick's life has been on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. He's either up, or he's down. When Noelle skates into his life, he's faced with the challenge of letting her in. But can he make her see his true feelings before Brian decides that she's his?
Read: The Loneliness Inside
Author: Lori
Genre: BSB Fiction (Nick/Brian)
Status: Chapters 1-8

Steven's past isn't picture perfect, but when he moves on, can he make it working at his new job with a family that has more money than he'll ever see? And can he get their horrible snobby daughter to leave him alone?
Read: Life's True Beauty
Author: Lori
Genre: Drama
Status: Chapters Prologue-2

After the break up of Savage Garden, Darren feels left all alone, and he is. Once he reconnects with his friend Anna, he feels like he's getting on the right path again. Only... there's something he doesn't know about her...
Read: The Heart Won't Lie
Author: Lori
Genre: Darren Hayes of Savage Garden
Status: Chapters 1-7

My Fiction
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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