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St. Paul's - December 1940

This is a picture of St. Paul's taken December 1940, when Britain stood alone.

As though by a miracle, the cathedral escaped serious harm at a time when a large part of the city around it perished.

It was during this period that the east end of St. Paul's was damaged by bombs. This made it a very fitting location for a chapel which commemorates the sacrifice of American servicemen and women in the same conflict.

"I pray that future generations are mindful of the great sacrifice which was offered that they might live in freedom, and that these memorials of the fallen in war will speak to them not only of the heroic devotion to duty in conflict, but of the need for finding the way to peace based on justice, so that never again will the fiery trial of war put the human race and its highest values in deadly peril."

The Very Revd. Walter Matthews, Dean of St. Paul's 1934-67
