Our Charity Partners
Maximizing Your Impact
While the VitaMeal itself is very important in impacting the lives of children, the donations go beyond just the meal to impact the lives of many others. These meal donations create opportunities to improve lives through education, jobs, and teaching self-sufficiency.
Drawing Children to School
VitaMeal donations are generally distributed through school programs because parents living in poverty will often send their children to school for a free meal, rather than keep them home to work. This is especially true of girls: the World Bank has recognized that “there is no investment more effective for achieving development goals than educating girls.”
Ensuring a Consistent Flow of Donations
As a social business initiative, Nourish the Children facilitates consistent and increasing food donations by offering an incentive to buy, donate, and promote VitaMeal. This commission is included in the price of the food and allows distributors to invest their time and resources to encourage others to join the cause against malnutrition. Your VitaMeal donation is increased with a corporate match program from Nu Skin.
Building Economic Opportunity
VitaMeal plants in Malawi and China reduce transportation costs and boost local economies.
Contributing to Self-Sufficiency
Some of the proceeds from VitaMeal purchases are donated to the Nu Skin Force for Good Foundation to fund agricultural education at Mtalimanja Village (link to Village page of the FFG section) in Malawi. Increased farm production could someday alleviate the need for food assistance in Malawi.