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ArVen: The wind Tane
Bardolf: Dwarf
Bedler: Ancient HuMan king
Ben: Waseeni boy
Benfer: Pub keep at Hell's End
BinChePa: (BIN-chee-paw) Kinpa of the QenChe Tane
Bink: Teek's younger brother
Brak: HuMan man. Zel's crazy and stupid sidekick
Cole: Jack's son
Colonel Myles Braxton: Colonel in charge at Haykon. Old friend of Jack's
Craklor: Black dragon
Dainz: (DAYnz) HuMan Captain of unit at Nomad's Pass
DanGuaPa: (DAN-gwa-paw) Kinpa of the MarGua Tane
DaxSagn: (dax-SAN)
DelVen: Chufa man. Thane's father
Domis: (DOE-miss) Stable boy in Haykon
DorMar: Chufa boy. Thane's friend
Dranlok: (DRAN-lock) Extremely addictive black liquid used by trolls
Dren: HuMan's hell
Eeni: (EEnee) Waseeni girl. Teek's youngest sister
Erl: Faithful wolg to Jack
FasiUm: (fazy-OOM) Chufa wedding ceremony
FelTehPa: (FEL-tay-paw) Kinpa of the TehChao Tane
Gargan: Troll woman belonging to Krog
Gelfin: Ancient Chufa holy man who had the five Tane
GilSagn: (gil-SAN) Chufa midwife
Helgar Axegrinder: Dwarf
Jack: Human recluse who befriends Thane
JenGua: (JEN-gwa) Chufa midwife
Jina: (JEEna) Waseeni girl. Oldest of Teek's younger sisters
Keely: Jack's wife
KesQen: (KES-ken) Chufa midwife
Kinpa: (KIN-paw) A Chufa holy man. There are five, each leading the members of his own Tane. Together, they are the deciding body of the Chufa.
Kip: Waseeni boy
Krog: High ranking troll
Leiutenant Weston: Guard at Haykon
LorVenPa: (LOR-ven-paw) Kinpa of the ArVen Tane
LynTeh: (lin-TAY) Thane's mother
MarGua: The water Tane
Parnak: Goblin king
PocMar: Chufa bully a couple of years older than Thane
QalSagn: (cal-SAN) DorMar's mother
QenChe: (KEN-chee) The fire Tane
Quin: Guard at Hell's End Station
Rani: (rAIny) A Waseeni woman. Teek's mother
Rhent: (rent) The royal line of King Bedler
Resdin: Bedler's son and servant
SaiEeDu: (sigh-EE-do) Chufa death ceremony
Sakin: (SACK-in) HuMan at Hell's End
Seless: HuMan god
Shahmeear: (shaw-ME-ar) Chufa naming ceremony when the Chufa is named, receives his Tane and TanIs, and also receives his soul
Smithers: Soldier at Haykon
Spindle root: White flower having medicinal properties that grows near water. The root can also be used in some cases.
Tahben: (TAW-ben) Teek's twin brother
TamVen: Chufa girl. Friend to Thane and Dor
Tane: A Chufa's power by which he lives his life. There are five Tane, consisting of the Blood (VerSagn), the Earth (TehChao), the Wind (ArVen), the Fire (QenChe), and the Water (MarGua). Each has its own peculiarities and powers.
Tangar: Troll woman belonging to Krog
TanIs: (TAN-iss) Mark of the Tane received by the Chufa on the right ankle at the Shahmeear.
TanVerPa: (TAN-ver-paw) Kinpa of the VerSagn Tane
TaqSagn: (tack-SAN) DorMar's father
Tchee: (chee) Roc
Teek: A Waseeni boy from the Teague swamplands
TehChao: (tay-SHOUN) The earth Tane
TehraMae: (tay-RA-my) Chufa god
Thane: Chufa boy with all five Tane
Thorne: (thorn) Dwarf god
Thunel: (thoo-NEL) HuMan at Hell's End
Tohmus: (TOE-muss) Type of weed the Waseeni use to wrap and preserve dead bodies.
Twee: Old Waseeni friend of Teek's
VerSagn: (ver-SANE) The blood Tane
Wess: Commander at Hell's End Station
Whar: Bedler's house cook. A goblin
YeiyeiloBaneesh: (YEA-yea-lo-BAN-eesh) Ancient and sacred trees of the Chufa making up the forest where they once lived.
Zadok: (ZA-dock) Twin brother of Gelfin
Zel: One-eyed man traveling with Brak
ArVen - The Wind Tane

MarGua - The Water Tane

QenChe - The Fire Tane

TehChao - The Earth Tane

VerSagn - The Blood Tane

Thane's Tane

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